Janet Chester Bly
Want suggestions for how to do book promotion for your favorite authors?
You can make a difference! Here’s 13 things you can do for your own personal favorite author book promotion campaign … pick one or more:
1) Tell a friend what you liked about his or her work. Word-of-mouth book promotion is the best!
2) Recommend the book to your local bookseller(s) or librarian.
3) Give a copy of the book to a public, church, or prison library.
4) Pass the word about their website or blog. Here’s ours – http://BlyBooks.com or “On A Western Trail” blog at http://BlyBooks.blogspot.com
5) For your friends who do social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc., tell them they can become friends and followers of their favorite authors – share the links.
6) Give a book by this author as a gift to a family member, friend, or co-worker. Include a rave review of your own.
7) Do a video review and post it on YouTube or other video sharing website.
8) Tell some book club members about the book(s) or organize a group of friends to read and discuss the book(s) together.
9) If you’re a speaker or do seminars, offer the books for sale on your display table or include flyers about the books.
10) If you have a website or blog of your own, set up links from your site to your favorite author’s site.
11) Include a feature or interview on your blog about the book(s) or about the author.
12) Write a review for www.Amazon.com or other online bookstore.
13) Email a photo of yourself with the book(s) to your favorite author. If you send one to Bly Books, we’ll feature it at “On A Western Trail” blog … attach it to email and send to janet(at)blybooks(dot)com.
Miralee Ferrell also posted these book promotion ideas on her blog. Check it out here: http://miraleesdesk.blogspot.com/2013/04/13-ideas-for-favorite-author-book.html
Want more specific hints for spreading the news about Bly Books you’ve enjoyed? Consider these book promotion products:
Bly Books gift certificates: https://www.blybooks.com/bookstore/new-gift-certificates/
Bly Books bumper sticker: ww.blybooks.com/bookstore/author-promotion/
Stuart Brannon’s Final Shot golf balls & tees: https://www.blybooks.com/bookstore/personalized-golf-balls-tees/
Throw The Devil Off The Train canvas bags & mugs: https://www.blybooks.com/bookstore/western-romance-novel/
Stephen Bly t-shirts: https://www.blybooks.com/bookstore/t-shirts/
What special way not listed here have you done book promotion for your favorite writer(s)?
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing them. Ü
I will get busy donating to our library..that is a great idea (as all of them are!)
These are excellent, Janet. May I post this on my blog and include a link to your blog and website and give you credit for this article?