Hope Lives Here Realities: What Do You Hope For? by Janet Chester Bly
Hope lives wherever you are.
Girls expect to grow up to be women. Young women fill chests with linens and clothes and assume they will marry. Grown women aspire to do well in careers, to be good moms, to have happy marriages. A friend writes to say she’s coming for a visit and you anticipate her appearance. The thrifty depend on the bank to keep their money secure. A retired couple plan a cruise. A grieving widow wishes for one more day, another hour with her beloved.
We all have our hopes. However, a bank can go bust. Romance can sour. Friends can have mishaps. Children may go astray. Jobs get lost. Thieves break in. We all want a sure thing. No false hopes.
Signs That Hope Resides In You
1) True hope gives you stamina.
Hope helps you wait, brings renewal, provides stimulus to act, incentive to achieve. Hope is a part of your faith.
2) True hope must be based on reality.
“Without truth, there is no hope,” said J.C. Philpot.
Hope often must be tested. That’s part of the why of earth’s trials. If you walk with God, some day you will have no need for hope. You will through Him, with the gift of a new heart, see and understand all.
Meantime, you thrive on knowing hope lives at your house … for your stamina, for survival, for self-evident truth.
May all your hopes come true.
Adapted from Hope Lives Here
Janet Chester Bly
31 meditations
True anecdotes of humor and pathos, relevant Scriptures, wrapped in prayer to encourage your heart. Personal life stories that end with hope.
Click this link to find out more about Hope Lives Here available in Paperback at less than 1/2 price – $4.99 each: https://www.blybooks.com/bookstore/true-life-stories-2/
Janet Chester Bly YouTube Video on the writing of Hope Lives Here and God Is Good All The Time: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vhl6vs2Fsw&feature=share&list=PL1R4q2SVqrQZHIp9bh38Zd1RNTjg54fmO[/youtube]
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