Is God Good? 4 Facts About God’s Goodness

Is God Good? Adam & Eve know it's so 4 Facts About the Goodness of God: Is God Good? All The Time? by Janet Chester Bly

Most everyone at some time doubts: is God good? Can He be trusted?

Adam and Eve knew better than any of us. They saw creation before evil entered.
They experienced the original – first bloomed, freshly fruited, newly scented.
God didn’t create humans until He had lavished them with wonderful provisions.
No sterile, empty, dark place to live.
But they blew it.

Now this plagued soil we call planet earth needs a good God to keep it going.
Otherwise we’d become an endangered species. We’d have destroyed each other long ago.

His goodness upholds us all, whether we acknowledge it or not.

4 Facts To Consider: Is God Good?

Is God good? Gift of Garden of Eden1.) God alone defines what true goodness is.

Immersed in a monstrous drama of human cruelties and sorrows, we don’t have the right perspective. We know by looking at creation and our own lives that His goodness does not eliminate pestilence and parasites, problems and pain.

But a glory day is coming. We wait for a better existence. Another chance at the Garden.

2.) We experience His goodness every moment of every day.

Only God has witnessed thousands of seasons, and in His grace, he shares a few of them with us. Why? Partly because He hopes we will hear and respond to His quiet, urgent voice, calling us, “Come to Me.”

3.) God’s goodness compels Him to love us even when we’ve done wrong.

When we make dumb decisions. When we ignore His most basic commands and guidelines. We see the powerful “Is God good?” in saving sinners. That was the last act of Jesus, His ultimate sacrifice, as He died.

4.) God’s goodness keeps His Presence active in our world.

Every day He endures public humiliation on our behalf. While the enemy lies and deceives and blasphemes His words, His character.
He patiently lets the full story of rebellion and mercy play out. In order to reveal His heart. In order to prove His love. To display the power of His salvation. To finally and fully answer the question: Is God good?

Janet Chester Bly

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