Cowboy Roping: Is It Lariat, Lasso or Reata?

Cowboy and cowgirl ropersCowboy Roping and Faith At Work Styles by Stephen Bly

Cowboy roping terms vary from one part of the country to another.

That 30×60 ft rope the cowboy hooks with thin leather strap to the right of his saddle horn? It might be called a lasso, a reata, or a lariat. In the old days a lariat was usually made of braided horsehair. A lasso was rawhide. And a rope consisted of manila or hemp. It’s all cowboy roping. They all have a running noose. They will all catch cows.

These days most ropes are comprised of nylon. Graded according to the rope diameter and stiffness. You can buy a 7/16 scant med/hard, 30 or 32 foot long. If you find the right store.

But no matter what the construction, the purpose of rope is just the same. Dozens of names, materials, and ways to build a loop. ButCowboy rope and hat on hay you toss the rope to catch and secure an animal. That’s the crux of cowboy roping.

Success in any enterprise is not measured by terms used. Or even style. But by how quickly and how well the job gets done.

Good thing to remember when you’re prone to insist that others use only your tools or follow your methods. Even in the church. Especially in the church.

A comment I heard recently: “Our church reaches our community by yearly revival meetings and asking folks to come down an aisle.”

He can’t understand how come another church across town is growing leaps and bounds through home Bible studies. Inconceivable!

Paul wasn’t so picky. Even when he had doubts about the motive of a preacher, he said, “But what does it matter? The important thing is that in evey way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.” Philippians 1:18

Call it a revival or evangelism, outreach or home Bible studies. You can call it preaching or sharing, a tent meeting or spiritual awakening. Remember the principle of cowboy roping. It doesn’t matter as long as the loop goes over the head and secures the catch.

Cowboy and Cowgirl Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay
Cowboy Rope and Hat on Hay Image by jim from Pixabay


WESTERN WISDOM “Rope Types & Results” Audio Podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series.

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Cowboy roping rodeo partners - One Step Over The Border by Stephen BlyOne Step Over The Border by Stephen Bly

Hap Bowman and his cowboy roping rodeo partner, Laramie Majors, set out to find Hap’s lost childhood love. They soon chase down every Juanita from Wyoming to the Mexican border. Every place they go leads to more trouble and excitement. They herd cattle across the Rio Grande and face off against a crooked park ranger in the Chisos Mountains. They round up wild mustangs on a desert military testing ground. Modern-day cowboys adventure road story. Some call it CowboyLit.



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