Leavin’ Cheyenne Western Slang
Out west there’s a big difference between country music and western music. The beat’s not the same. Diverse instruments. Different words. Western music claims a long history. Most songs center around the vast outdoors. Horses and cattle, danger and the girl left behind. Ever since the first drover had to ride night herd, cowboys have sung.
One of the earliest songs: “Leavin’ Cheyenne”
“I’m ridin’ old Paint, leadin’ old Dan
I’m off to Montana for to throw the hoolihan
They feed in the coulees, they water in the draw
Their tails are all matted, their backs are all raw
Goodbye, old Paint, I’m leavin’ Cheyenne
Goodbye, old Paint, I’m leavin’ Cheyenne.”
This song became such a classic it was used as the last song at most dances. The term “leavin’ Cheyenne” got to be synonymous with saying, “Goodbye, I’m going away for a while.”
Followers of Jesus are called to leave Cheyenne, that is, to say goodbye to the present. To ride down the trail with Him into the unknown future. Easy to say. Hard to do.
One man approached Jesus, wanting to be a disciple.
Jesus beckoned, “Follow me.”
But the man protested. “First let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”
Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:61,62)
Leavin’ Cheyenne is tough. Even if Jesus does the calling. The only way you’ll make it is to go out with others. Let Jesus be the trail boss. Could you even leave if you wanted to? Loaded down with a house full of stuff? Too many folks to settle things with? Need to be home by supper? Or can you say, “I’m ready, Lord. When do you want me to go?”
Stephen Bly
WESTERN WISDOM “Leavin’ Cheyenne” audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by BlyBooks.com Legacy Series.
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It’s Your Misfortune and None of My Own
One Went to Denver and the Other Went Wrong
Where the Deer and the Antelope Play
Stay Away from That City … They Call It Cheyenne
My Foot’s in the Stirrup … My Pony Won’t Stand
I’m Off to Montana for to Throw the Hoolihan
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