Catch Us if You CAN: Spring Scavenger Hunt … STOP #10, Janet Chester Bly’s Blog.
Catch Us if You CAN: Spring Scavenger Hunt! NOW FINISHED. Congratulations! Winners for Stephen Bly’s The Lost Manuscript of Martin Taylor Harrison were Betti Mace, Kristen Mayfield, Virginia Winfield.
We hope you enjoyed meeting Christian Author Network members as you chased down clues for the chance to win our grand prize: $200 in gift cards from CBD, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon, plus 29 free books, one from each participating CAN author!
· 2nd & 3rd Prizes: $50 Amazon, B&N, or CBD gift certificate!
Grand prize winner: Esther Fritz
Second prize winner: Susan M. Poll
Third prize winner: Renee Blare
Here were the CAN Hunt’s official guidelines:
· Catch us on this scavenger hunt beginning at Noon on Friday, 03/21/14 and ending at Midnight on Thursday, 03/27/14. No need to hurry as you search for clues—you have almost an entire week! If you need help at any time during the hunt, check in here for the right order of stops:
· Enjoy 29 stops, each featuring a different CAN author!
· Gather the clues from each post, beginning at STOP # 1 and ending at Stop #29. Follow the directions and fill out the Rafflecopter form. Be ready to provide the complete clue in sentence form, gathered from all 29 stops, within 2 days of email notification or another winner will be randomly drawn. There is no need to email/submit the clue, unless you are notified by 03/29/14.
>>Sorry, due to international regulations, the grand prize will be awarded to US Residents only. Individual contests within the hunt may vary, please read rules presented with each giveaway.<<
MEET Lena Nelson Dooley …
I’m pleased to introduce author Lena Nelson Dooley at this stop.
I’ve known of Lena and her books for years and had the privilege of personally meeting her two years ago in St. Louis at an ACFW conference. A delightful and gracious lady.
This multi-award-winning author lives in Texas with her husband of over 49 years. Their favorite activities involve time with their family. Their daughters and sons-in-law have given them four grandchildren, and now they have two great-grandsons. Lena has more than 800,000 books in print. Her many awards include winner of the Will Rogers Medallion Award for Western fiction and the Selah Award for historical fiction.
Lena is one of the co-hosts of the Gate Beautiful blogtalk radio show. She has experience in screenwriting, acting, directing, and voice-overs. She has been featured in articles in Christian Fiction Online Magazine, ACFW Journal, and Christian Retailing.
Lena has an active web presence and an internationally connected blog where she interviews other authors and promotes their books. Her blog received the TBCN Reader’s Choice Blog of the Year Award sponsored by Book Fun Magazine.
Here’s my interview with Lena Nelson Dooley . . .
Janet: What are the loves of your life?
Lena: My husband, James, my children, grandchildren and great-grandsons. I also love chocolate, especially dark chocolate, cherries, and chocolate-covered cherries. And spending time with friends.
Janet: What do you do when you’re not writing?
Lena: Travel is always on my horizon . . . Cruising, Galveston, the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, Mexico. One day it will be Hawaii and Australia, but probably not the same year. I also have had the privilege to do a lot of speaking at women’s groups, writers groups, and at both regional and national conferences. In addition, I read a lot. My list of favorite authors could go on for a long time.
Janet: What’s one of your passions, besides your husband, of course.
Lena: Helping other authors become published really floats my boat. Over thirty writers I’ve mentored have later had their books published.
Janet: What’s one of the things you like best about being a writer?
Lena: The high point of my day is receiving feedback from my readers, especially people whose lives have been changed by my books.
Janet: What are some of your recent book releases?
Lena: The McKenna Daughters Series which includes Maggie’s Journey and Mary’s Blessing and Catherine’s Pursuit. This series is about identical triplets born on one of the last wagon trains on the Oregon Trail. Their mother dies giving birth and they are separated. They don’t find out they have sisters until near their 18th birthdays. Each book is one of the sisters’ story.
And thank you, readers and hunters for stopping by my Bly Books blog.
Before you go, write down this STOP #10 CLUE: Dedicated to
WAIT! And check out this giveaway for the scavenger hunt! The Lost Manuscript of Martin Taylor Harrison by Stephen Bly, Book 1 in the Austin-
Stoner Files Series. Choice of hardback/large print (left) or paperback (right). Check it out here:
IN ADDITION, Sign up for an extra chance to receive Stephen Bly’s The Lost Manuscript of Martin Taylor Harrison. Only U.S. and Canada residents will be mailed paperback edition. Any international winner will receive PDF copy only. Novel giveaway form here (3 total winners):
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now, proceed to scavenger hunt STOP #11, Lena Nelson Dooley’s blog site! Click here: STOP #11
GETTING LOST? This is the CAN Scavenger Hunt HELP(!) page permalink:
Find Lena Nelson Dooley online here:
Official Facebook Fan Page
Blogtalk Radio
Other blogs where she’s a regular contributor:
I’m looking forward to the scavenger hunt and reading Lena’s books.
Connie: Thanks for your note. Hope you enjoy the full scavenger hunt experience and get a chance to win one of Lena’s books!
Connie, be sure to let me know if you like them when you do get to read my books.
I love seeing what new books have come out and which authors I have yet to check out. 🙂
Greetings, Halita: Glad you were able to join in with us. Thanks for the comment.
I have enjoyed meeting “new to me” authors and learning of new books to add to my to be read list.
koho143 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Heather: Being part of this scavenger hunt has also allowed me to meet new authors! Great fun and privilege! So love to read new books myself …
This is such fun! God bless all the authors writing for Him.
Pamela: Thanks much for your note and for your blessing! Appreciated!
Blessings back to you,
Learning about authors I’m not familiar with! More reading options!
Joan: Thanks for your note. Enjoy your new reading options!
I have enjoyed finding new (to me anyhow) Christian authors and add more books to my to-read list!
Angie: So glad you joined this scavenger hunt. We love finding new readers too!
I love learning more about the authors I love, as well meeting new authors to love! Thank you for sharing this fun scavenger hunt and the opportunity to be a winner!!
Britney: Thanks much for joining us. Enjoy meeting you too! Hope you can be a winner.
Hello again, Britney: I just took a peek at your beautiful website, Buzzing About Books. Looks great. Want to encourage others to look at it too. Check it out here:
I like this hunt since I get introduced to a lot of authors I have yet to read. Thanks for having it.
Greetings, Joye: Thanks so much for joining us. Hope you get some new books to read!
The Scavenger Hunt has been great! I’ve enjoyed meeting new authors and adding new books to my “to-read” list. Lately, I have had a hard time finding good books that I haven’t read, so this will get me going again. Thanks!
~ Julie
Hi, Julie! Being part of this hunt has enabled me to meet new authors too. Love it! Thanks for joining in and for your comments.
I enjoy reading about the authors. Some authors are new to me and even the authors I know I might learn something new. It’s so fun and interesting. Thank you for participating!
Greetings, Barbara: It has been fun and interesting for me too. Thanks so much for your comments. Hope you win something!
It’s fun
Tammy: Yes, it is! Thanks for joining in with us all …
This scavenger hunt has been a lot of fun so far. I’m learning about a lot of great books and great authors.
Angie: Delighted you could join in with us. Thanks for commenting.
Hello again, Angie: Just took time to look at your adorable blog site The Little Reading Cabin. Thought others might like to click over there too …
I have enjoyed reading the pieces that tell me more about each author
Marianne: I have enjoyed that part too. Being a part of this scavenger hunt has helped me know these other authors a bit better.
Greetings again, Marianne: Took a peek at some of your reviews of novels and thought others might enjoy looking at them too. Click here for some good insights on other good books:
I have enjoyed meeting “new to me” authors .Thank you for the opportunity to win.Have a wonderful week.
Greetings, Emma: Thanks for the comments. Hope you can get a win.
Blessings on your week too!
I love meeting new authors on the hunts.
lattebooks at hotmail dot com
Greetings, Susan: Sounds like you’ve been on scavenger hunts before. This is my first one and I’m enjoying it very much. Thanks for commenting.
I enjoy reading about authors I haven’t read and learning about new books from authors I have.
Greetings, Polly: Thanks much for participating and for your comment!
Hi… What a lovely and interesting woman! I love her passion to help others in their writing journey. That makes me excited. I was wondering… it doesn’t say, but is the giveaway open to internationals? I know that the big prize is only open for the US, but I know that some of the individual giveaways are open to people NOT living in the US… So… before I jump in, wanted to ask. Thank you for your time and for all the scavenger fun! Blessings!
Celita: Thanks for your note and lovely comment about my guest author Lena Nelson Dooley. And appreciate your question. My giveaway for paperback edition is for U.S. and Canada residents only. If any Internationals enter and win, they will receive PDF digital copy. I’ll include that in my copy above so others will know.
Celita, if I have an international winner on my blog giveaway, I’ll send the pdf file of the book.
I have and am enjoying the opportunity to learn more about authors I have not met up with yet. I would love to win and thereby have the chance to read something by each one. Other than that, I will have to sign up for emails, read blog posts and find their books.
Greetings, Betti: Thanks for joining us on this hunt. Appreciate the comments.
Blessings to you,
I’m enjoying meeting authors whose books I haven’t yet read! Mrs. Bly, I was wondering why your husband’s name sounded so familiar to me – until I remembered him as the author of the Nathan T. Riggins books I loved so much growing up.
Greetings, Kayla: So glad you joined in on this scavenger hunt. And delighted to learn that you read the Nathan T. Riggins stories! Am hoping someday to get those re-released for new readers.
Blessings to you,
I’ve loved finding and meeting new authors and reading how everyone has gotten started in their writing carriers.
Greetings, Jennifer: Thanks for being part of this scavenger hunt and for leaving your comment.
Blessings to you,
I love this giveaway! What I like most? Finding so many new authors and books, I guess. There was a similar Christian scavenger hunt over Christmas, and I discovered three authors I still follow. Plus, I love the excitement of the giveaways themselves. And the feeling of “earning” everything I get, because I have to work to get to all the blogs, read them, etc.
C Marie: Love your enthusiasm! Thanks so much for participating in this scavenger hunt and for your comments.
Thank YOU for giving me the opportunity for doing this! 🙂
So far getting to know new authors and working at promoting each of you on Social Media. Check out my pinterest boards.
Linda Finn
Faithful Acres Books
Greetings, Linda: Thanks for your involvement in our scavenger hunt. Took a peek at your site and I’m now following you on Twitter. Looked at your Pinterest boards too … wow, lots of interesting ones. Here’s my Pinterest page …
Blessings to you,
I have enjoyed meeting new-to-me authors!! AND learning the stories behind the story (or author). Thanks for being a part of the Scavenger Hunt!!
Greetings, Ladette: Thanks for your comments and for joining us in our fun Hunt!
Blessings to you,
Finding new authors
Greetings, bn100: And we love finding new readers!
Lena, I love that one of your passions is mentoring other authors! I have the same passion to some degree, though I’m not a published,experienced author like you are! But I do love helping people better their writing in any way I can!
Ellen, I love seeing other people helping and mentoring others. I’ve heard it said that we should all be in the place where there are those who have gone farther along the road, who will give us a hand, and we’re farther along than some others, and we should be giving them a hand up.
Welcome to that type of writing life.
Oops, I have this horrible tendency to comment before I see what the Rafflecopter question was. Anyway, to answer the question: I think my favorite part has been seeing the different forms that writer’s blogs take. 🙂
Greetings, Ellen: No problem. Appreciated your comments to Lena. I have also enjoyed looking at the different styles and themes of writers’ blogs doing this Hunt. Enjoyed looking at your interesting blog too. Perhaps others would like to take a peek at The Ink Loft:
Blessings to you,
I love discovering new books/authors. My “to-read” list keeps growing the further I get into the hunt!
Amy: So many books. So little time. I’ve often wondered what will find in heaven’s library … when we’ll have all eternity! Thanks much for participating in our scavenger hunt.
P.S. Amy: Just peeked at your delightful My Little One-Room Schoolhouse site. Perhaps others would like to click and see:
So many great books to read!
Greetings, Renee: So glad you’ve found some good ones! Thanks for participating!
I’ve enjoyed the hunt immensely, as now I have a tidy list of the new books I want to read!
Greetings, Esther: So glad you’ve joined our scavenger hunt and found some good new books!
I have enjoyed learning about some new authors.
Carol: Glad to have you part of the CAN hunt. Thanks for the comment.
I’ve enjoyed learnign about different christians authors(especially those who I have never heard of before)
Litany: Glad you could join us and get acquainted with more Christian authors.
Would love to win.
Greetings, Bonnie: Hope you are a winner!
Finding new authors I might not have known about before
Pam: Glad to have you join us!
All of the books mentioned in the hunt sound so good – can’t wait to start reading them.
Lynn: Thanks for your comment! So glad you could join us in the Hunt!
Great books! Hope I win…even if I don’t, I’ll still win by buying your books!!
Greetings, Connie: Hope you win too! Love connecting with potential readers!
Hi Janet! What I’ve enjoyed most about this scavenger hunt (ANY scav hunt!) is all of the new authors I learn about and all the new book titles added to my ever-growing TBR list! I’m also itching to read Stuart Brannon’s Final Shot. I think it’s so special that you and your sons wrote it together after your husband passed!
Greetings, Kristen: Thanks for participating and for your enthusiastic comment. Hope you get that chance to read Stuart Brannon’s Final Shot. It was such a privilege and challenge for us to finish it for Stephen.
It’s been great “meeting” so many new authors
Greetings, Joy: And it has also been great “meeting” CAN Hunt participants like you!
This has been a great experience. I have enjoyed finding out about a number of new books to read, I have found less and less Christian novels in my bookstore recently, so it has been good to find some new ones to read!
Greetings, Darlene: So glad you’re enjoying the CAN Hunt and have found some new fiction to enjoy.
Blessings to you,
I am enjoying the hunt. Your book about the manuscript sounds interesting.
Sherry: Thanks so much for the comment and for participating in this Hunt!