Looking Over His Shoulder, Western Slang Devotional

Looking Over His Shoulder article - farmer plowing

Farmer Plowing

Looking Over His Shoulder by Stephen Bly

Every era and generation has its unwritten rules of proper behavior. The Old West was no different. One of those had to do with the proper way for a cowboy to turn around, looking over his shoulder. He didn’t want to do it too often or it would signal a man on the dodge.

An old timer said, “A man that has to continually look over his shoulder at every straight piece of road ain’t livin’ a straight life.”

That action indicated an open admission you figured someone was following you. When you passed a rider going opposite you on the trail, you tipped your hat, or stopped for a short chat. But when he passed, a man of integrity never looked back at him. That demonstrated a lack of trust in the man. You considered him the type to shoot you in the back.

Jesus said, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom.” (Luke 9:62)

Two Reasons For Looking Over His Shoulder

There are a couple reasons for a man with a plow to want to look back.

First, he might want to admire the work, a moment to grab some satisfaction if the rows were long, straight, and deep.

Second, to look at where you began, back at home, away from the heat and sweat, dust and aching back. A comfortable cushion. A tasty meal. Pleasant conversation.  Like Lot’s wife.

No matter the reason, a look back created a bobble, a crook in the row. That made all the other rows after that out of line too. The good plowman kept his eyes straight ahead and never looked over his shoulder.

Are you at a place where you need to stop looking back? Do you envy where you used to be? Do you want to gloat at how much you’veLooking Over His Shoulder article - Follow Jesus accomplished?

Avoid the temptation to look over your shoulder. Let someone else study, admire, and praise your straight rows.
Instead, keep going straight ahead.

Press on for the goal of your heavenly prize.


Related Western Resources

Chronicle of the Old West and The Old West is a Time and Place of the Heart, “Living the Code,” “Applying the Code” HERE LIVING THE CODE

Old West Legends, The Code of the West HERE LEGENDS CODE OF WEST 

Cowboy Code Meets Medieval Code

Other devotionals like Looking Over His Shoulder by Stephen Bly  STEPHEN BLY DEVOS

Follow Author Stephen Bly on Facebook: STEPHEN BLY FACEBOOK 


Interview with Janet Chester Bly about the family’s labor of love. Finishing Stephen Bly’s last novel, Stuart Brannon’s Final Shot INTERVIEW, Part 1 




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