Old Time Cowboy Shouts, “Look Out!”

old time cowboy charged by bullSometimes we get the idea that every old time cowboy was so tough he didn’t run from anything. According to some pulp writers, he faced down enemy attacks from every direction.

He could turn a thousand head of stampeding cattle. Face down a dozen gunfighters in the street. Ride through the desert with a hundred Indians chasing him. Confront a grizzly bear with nothing but a hunting knife.

It’s true courage for an old time cowboy was a high virtue. He didn’t back away from a fight. Or from doing what was right. But there were times to turn and run.

For instance, during the branding season. If he was busy in the corral flanking calves or burning hair and someone shouted, “Look out, cowboy!” He dropped everything to flee to safety. That could mean an 1,800 pound bull or 1,200 pound cow had lowered its head to come after him. To stomp him in the ground. Or stick a horn in his belly. Or flip him across the corral. That bovine might not be in a talking to him mood.

No disgrace for this cowboy to scatter quick. Everyone needs to recognize shouts that signal real danger. Some kind of old time cowboy “Look out!”

Jesus many times said, “Watch out! Be on guard! Stay alert!” (Matthew 25:13, 26:41; Mark 13:33,35,37, 14:38; Luke 21:36) He told us the times to jump out of the way. A spiritual bull is about to charge.

Do you have dependable friends who tell you when it’s time to run? Away from a harmful relationship. A financial disaster. A false belief. A destructive habit. Or a scam.

Sometimes we stand and fight. Other times we run for the hills. To a safe place. A wise, discerning person knows the difference.

Be like an old time cowboy. Listen for the warning shout. Stay alert! Be on guard! Watch out!

Copyright©1994  Stephen Bly


Other western devotionals and Old West old time cowboy slang blogs by author Stephen Bly:  https://www.blybooks.com/category/steves-devotionals/

Western and historical novels by author Stephen Bly:  https://www.blybooks.com/product_category/historical-western-novels/

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6 Responses to Old Time Cowboy Shouts, “Look Out!”

  1. Teresa Collett October 11, 2014 at 4:56 pm #

    Wonderful devotional with great advice!

    • richard s fleming October 12, 2014 at 3:33 pm #

      I just turned 77…..partly because I learned long ago to ‘look out’ when someone said so. Very good advice for Christians too, because our adversary, the devil goes about as a roaring lion (or snorting bull) seeking whom he may devour. Heads up, cowboy!

      • Janet Chester Bly
        Janet Chester Bly October 12, 2014 at 8:07 pm #

        Richard: Thanks so much for your note. An inspiring testimony. Blessings, Janet

  2. Janet Chester Bly
    Janet Chester Bly October 11, 2014 at 6:19 pm #

    Teresa: Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comment! Blessings to you, Janet

  3. Susanne Maynes October 21, 2014 at 2:15 pm #

    I love how real life echoes the truth of Scripture. This nicely brief blog is a great illustration.

    • Janet Chester Bly
      Janet Chester Bly October 21, 2014 at 4:04 pm #

      Susanne: Thanks for the note. Appreciated. Blessings, Janet

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