2019 Blog Tour Information
Beneath a Camperdown Elm by Janet Chester Bly is a contemporary western romance with a zing of mystery. This cowgirl lit novel received the AWSA Golden Scroll Award, 2020 Best Western Novel, First Place Winner.
APRIL 2020 Blog Tour
— April 6th & 7th, Christian Fiction Lovers All Things Present Facebook Party, with Tamera Lynn Kraft, hostess, provides sign up here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/698116734273215/. Besides Janet Chester Bly, other writers include Carole Brown, Denise Weimer, Michelle Levigne, & Dawn V. Cahill. Grand Prize includes $50 Amazon Card or five novels, one from each other.
CONTEST OVER! Winner of the $50 Amazon Gift Card: Audrianna Clark. Winner of all 5 featured novels: Barb Dawson. Winners of Stephen Bly and Janet Chester Bly books include 1) Down Squash Blossom Road – Robyn Michaels. 2) Fox Island – Deb Pifer Burdick. 3) Wind in the Wires – Donna Hammer Durnell. 4) Memories of a Dirt Road Town – Rory Lemond. 5) Paperback Writer – Trudy Cordle & Becky Dempsey. 6) Beneath A Camperdown Elm MUG – Licha Haney. 7) One Step Over The Border – Kimberly Daniska Villalva & Jean Volk. 8 ) Beneath A Camperdown Elm – Bonnie G. Wheeler & Brenda Walters.
— November 7th-10th, Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! 25 authors, including Janet Chester Bly. SCAVENGER HUNT HAS CLOSED and we’re announcing winners of Grand Prizes, which include #1 Lisa Hudson, #2 Kathryn Bochman, #3 Heather Olsen, #4 Jan D., and #5 “DR” of New Zealand.
— Week of October 24th, author Miralee Ferrill’s Mountain Brook Ink/Fiction You Can Believe In blog features inspirational “In The Waiting Room” article. You can find it here: http://mountainbrookink.com/2019/10/24/guest-janet-chester-bly-in-the-waiting-room/.
— Goodreads Book Giveaway, October 22nd-November 4th, 2019
Beneath a Camperdown Elm by Janet Chester Bly
See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway
— Week of October 14th, check out inspirational thoughts for authors & readers. At author Davalynn Spencer’s blog. And enter a Contemporary Western Romance Mystery novel giveaway for Beneath a Camperdown Elm! Check it out here: https://tinyurl.com/y5e9jew8
— Week of October 4th, “Romancing A ’55 Chevy” fun and book giveaway at inspirational romance novelist Shannon Taylor Vannatter’s blog … https://shannontaylorvannatter.com/janet-chester-bly-romantic-excerpt-part-2-of-2/
— Week of October 1st, “5 Reasons Relationships Are So Tough To Do” and book giveaway. Article found at author Shannon Taylor Vannatter’s blog https://shannontaylorvannatter.com/janet-chester-bly-devotional-part-1-of-2/
— Week of September 24th, “The Story Behind Beneath A Camperdown Elm” and a book giveaway. Find out what country singer inspired the character of Reba Mae Cahill. On author and editor Liz Tolsma’s blog here: http://liztolsma.com/2019/09/24/the-story-behind-beneath-a-camperdown-elm-by-janet-chester-bly/
— Week of August 29th featured inspirational blog article, “The Yard Is Full.” Miralee Ferrill’s Mountain Brook Ink/Fiction You Can Believe In blog link: http://mountainbrookink.com/2019/08/29/guest-janet-chester-bly-the-yard-is-full/
— Week of August 19th featured article, “What’s In A Character’s Name?” and book giveaway for Beneath A Camperdown Elm. Check out Carrie Schmidt’s Reading Is My Super Power blog here: https://readingismysuperpower.org/2019/08/19/guest-post-and-a-giveaway-janet-chester-bly-beneath-a-camperdown-elm/
— August 9th, Craigmont Idaho Book Club at Craigmont Public Library. Discussed Book 1, Wind In The Wires, and Book 2, Down Squash Blossom Road, Trails of Reba Cahill Series.
— August 3rd, “How I Celebrate Campfire Day” feature on behalf of Christian Authors Network (C.A.N.) for More to Life Magazine’s newsletter tips and trivia.
— Week of July 25th, Editor Leslie L. McKee reviews Beneath A Camperdown Elm and offers Rafflecopter giveaway. CLICK HERE: https://bit.ly/2MoAQv1 For more info about Leslie, visit her website: http://lmckeeediting.wix.com/lmckeeediting
— Week of July 29th, “Polly Eng’s Fortune Cookie Cake”, “Vanilla Buttercream Icing” and “Fortune Words Cookies” recipes. Giveaway offered for Beneath a Camperdown Elm. Answer the question: “What is your favorite icing?” Find it at Babs Book Bistro blog. Check it out here: https://bit.ly/2YF6p69
— Week of July 17th, features blog of Contemporary Christian Romance with a Kiwi Twist, New Zealand author Iola Goulton. Interview introduces Janet Chester Bly and Beneath a Camperdown Elm. Photos display false-front town Broken Arrow Crossing. CHECK THIS OUT: https://www.iolagoulton.com/janet-chester-bly/
— Week of July 8th, blog of Christian Historical Fiction author Faith Blum. Features guest post “Running With Wild Horses” article by Janet Chester Bly. FIND IT HERE: https://faithblum.com/2019/07/guest-post-running-with-wild-horses/
— Week of June 17th, author LYN COTE BLOG with Book Giveaway. Continuing 2019 blog tour. “What I Learned From My Fiction Characters” article features question “How did a fictional character impact your personal life?” Answer on blog to enter drawing for copy of Beneath a Camperdown Elm. CLICK HERE: LYN COTE BLOG
— BOOK LAUNCH PARTY #2, Friday, June 14th, 1:00-5:00 p.m., Kodiak Coffee / His Story Christian Gift Center, Mall 21, 1702 21st Street, Lewiston, Idaho. Autographed Copies. Free Treats & Prizes for Everyone! Contact John Kirschman for more info. Ph: (208) 743-7519 Email: jdkirsch2@msn.com Find out more about these stores here: https://www.facebook.com/kodiakcoffeecompany/ and https://www.facebook.com/His-Story-Christian-Gift-Center-115014578519013/
— BOOK LAUNCH PARTY #1, Saturday June 1st, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. …And Books Too!, 918 6th St, Clarkston, Washington, 99403. Party treats and prizes for everyone! Contact for more information, Judi Wutzke, ph: (509) 758-3626. Website: http://www.andbookstooonline.com/ Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/and-BOOKS-too-365461241413/
— SUSAN G MATHIS BLOG For the 2019 Blog Tour, here is a stop April 24th at Susan G Mathis Blog. Janet answers in her interview, what is the hardest and the best thing about being an author? https://www.susangmathis.com/janet-bly-on-western-mysteries/
— TRISH HAWLEY PERRY BLOG 2019 blog tour question, what would help you risk reading a book written by an author you don’t know? Answer on author Trish Hawley Perry’s blog week of April 22nd – 29th to enter to win copy of BENEATH A CAMPERDOWN ELM.
Click this link to see the full Janet Chester Bly interview: http://trishperry.blogspot.com/
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