The Gap Principle With Audio Podcast

Wall with the gapTips For Standing in the Gap For Others

The gap exists everywhere. We’re surrounded by imperfection. Places, projects and people don’t always live up to our expectations. They’ve got holes, like the wall construction project in Nehemiah’s time (see Nehemiah 4:6ff).

Basic Gap Principles

— A gap is the difference between what something or someone ought to be and the reality. Faults and failures denote where the gap lies. An enemy can attack through that vulnerable place. But to repair and rebuild often takes much effort and time.

— Only God has no gaps. Every word He speaks rings truth. Each judgement rules justice. His love breathes sincerity in every action. In every way, God manifests perfection. Therefore, we shouldn’t require anyone to be as perfect as Him. Or ourselves. We all possess gaps.

— The only fatal gap: separation from God by sin. We’re born with that gap. Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Only Jesus can mend that broken relationship.

— All of us have gaps that can only be fixed or compensated by other people in our lives. We need help where we fall short. King David needed the conviction of the prophet Nathan. The apostle Paul required Barnabas to vouch for his credibility. The budding preacher and evangelist Apollos lacked the full right theology in his speaking. So, Priscilla and her husband, Aquilla, coached him.

Two Different Approaches

— How we respond to gaps in others reflects the dominant force in our lives. We can act in a couple very different ways. Ask yourself, how do you tend to react when you detect an imperfection in someone else? What would Jesus do? Romans 8:34 tells us He intercedes, He prays for us. Exposed faults should be opportunity for ministry. It’s a call for active prayer on their behalf. Or do you copy the devil? Revelation 12:10 reveals that Satan spends a lot of time, day and night before God, accusing His children of all they do wrong. He points out, “Look at that. Guilty! They’re horrible.” So, when you see imperfection, do you intercede or accuse? If the latter, Satan’s your cheerleader saying, “Preach it, brother!”

— Discern true Biblical gaps. For instance, most opposing musical tastes indicate cultural differences, not a spiritual deficiency. But when someone rebels against Scripture and God, that’s a crucial breach. And even if they later ask forgiveness, often consequences remain. Damages take a toll. Pray for restitution and healing to minimize destruction caused by bad choices.

— Prepare to stand in the gap for certain people until full restoration. Some walls may take a long time to rebuild.

— Meanwhile, you and I shouldn’t try to fill the gap for every needy person. God will assign your own specific place and particular people. Don’t take on the whole world’s problems. And personal gap fixing is not the final solution. Every human needs God’s help beyond our best efforts.

— Finally, you can undertake for others’ gaps at the same time they complete yours. One exercises a spiritual gift as the other imparts strength in another area. Standing in the gap does not depend on flawless maturity. God will use you anyway.

Stephen Bly


“Standing In The Gaps” AUDIO PODCAST by Stephen Bly. Recorded at Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center, Washington.

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