The Perfect Gift Dilemma by Stephen Bly & Podcast

Perfect Gift box

The Keys To Finding A Perfect Gift

Some people are really hard to pick any presents for. Never mind the perfect gift. You know the type?

Well, that’s not me. Anytime I pick up a catalogue for sports, hunting and fishing, western wear or horse tack, I find dozens of great gifts. For myself, that is. The way I easily spot items I’d like to have, you’d think it would be a snap for others to find me the perfect gift.

The Worst Gifts

I can’t figure out why I keep getting presents like bright red ties. Haven’t worn a traditional tie in years. And I never, ever wear red. I suppose, if I thought about it, buying presents for someone else is a bit difficult for everyone. When it comes to those extra special gifts, we just don’t know others as we should. That goes for our wives, too.

Paul said to husbands, “Love your own wives as your own bodies” (Ephesians 5:28).

So, how do we love ourselves?

1.) With Great Care

We thoughtfully calculate every action and choose the responses that present us in the best light. Even believers, with no intent of deception, we choose to reveal the very best of our character qualities and downplay all the rest.

2.) By Dreams 

We tend to dream up great things. Most of the time, nothing sinful. Just a few daydreams about what it would be like to be an important person or multi-millionaire. Perhaps hit that World Series grand slam, winning homerun. Or write a fabulous best-selling novel. We dream about our fame or fortune or fulfillments.

3.) Active Presentation

We do and say things designed to assist people in loving us. Nothing phony. But sometimes they require help seeing hos loveable we really are. So, Paul says, “Love your wife in the very same way.”

We could calculate our every word and action, both in private and public, to make sure our wives are seen at their very best. Then we couldPicking the perfect gift dream a few dreams, just for her. What would be the most tremendous thing to happen for your mate? Seek to be her secret public relations director. Help others to appreciate her.

I’ve got a feeling if you and I really loved friends and family members deep, like we loved ourselves, it would be a piece of cake to buy them a perfect gift. Wouldn’t it be worth a try?

Stephen Bly

Circa 1990

Gift Image by Bella H. from Pixabay

Presents Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay


“The Perfect Gift Dilemma” audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series.  Sign Up on on blog page to receive RSS feed by email for podcast blog notices. Related blog article with podcast embed will arrive every Tuesday and Thursday. Look to the right of the LINK PAGE for “Subscribe to the Blog via Email” and “Enter your email address”.

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Music by WinkingFoxMusic from Pixabay

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