And The Thresholds Tremble plus Stephen Bly Podcast

Heavenly cloudsHoly, Holy, Holy Is Our God

The words that grabbed me most in Isaiah’s vision before God’s throne come in Isaiah 6:4, “And the foundations of the thresholds trembled.” In the presence of God, everything will tremble. That means the tabernacle, temple, and altar trembled. So did the hills and rocks and trees. Why were those thresholds trembling?

God’s Character Revealed

1.) God’s Wisdom

He has the knowledge to choose the best goals and has the power to accomplish them in the highest possible ways. “The Lord is wise in heart and mighty in strength” (Job 9:4). We don’t recognize God’s wisdom enough. If we did, we would tremble more with overwhelm.

It’s like when I face the wisdom of a computer. I’m always amazed at how many buttons I do not know what they do. Thick manuals explain, but I’m astonished somebody on earth knows how to write them and understand what that computer can do. It was all manufactured out of the mind of people.

But, you see, God’s wisdom is greater. God made billions and billions of units, each one completely different. Each is complex and more sophisticated than any computer we could ever create. Every one possesses a different program and potential. We see a little bit of God’s wisdom and can’t help tremble with awe.

Do you love this kind of person?

2.) God’s Love

The thresholds somehow reacted under the power of God’s wisdom and love. God’s love is His goodness towards individual sinners in allowing them to know Him in a personal, lasting relationship. In fact, He died for us (Romans 5:8).

Suppose you have a friend in need. You lend him money to get through a tough time. Then you helped him in construction of his home. When he got sick, you went to the hospital and sat at his bedside as he struggled with a life-and-death health issue. When he pulled through, you helped him find a secure job.

After all that, suddenly you have your own need. In order to advance in your position at work, you ask this friend to write a character reference. However, in the report, he claims he hardly knew you. Even so, he witnessed you as a violent, unpredictable person and not to be trusted. It’s so horrendous that you failed to get the promotion. And then somehow it’s made public. Now, you’re alienated from your wife, children, community, and friends.

You see, that’s the kind of love God has for you and me. He spent our lifetime helping us in numerous ways. Yet, He often gets nothing in return. His goodness towards sinners should make us tremble.

3.) God’s Grace

The grace of God is His love freely shone towards sinners contrary to what they deserve (Ephesians 2:8). We all get what we don’t deserve at times because of God’s outrageous love.

But the thresholds trembled because they also understood these other traits of God.

4.) God’s Jealousy

That may seem strange to you. God’s jealousy is His praiseworthy zeal to preserve something extremely, supremely precious to Him. He’s determined to protect a love relationship. He wants our worship and sole devotion to Him (Exodus 34:14).

5.) God’s Anger

God has the right for necessary action to object to moral evil (Romans 11:22, Nahum 1:2).

The Surprising Side Of Grace**

I wrote a book on the anger of God. J.I. Packer inspired me to do it. He said, “No one ever wrote a whole book about God’s anger because no one would want to read it. No one wants to hear about God’s anger.” He was right. Very few wanted to read mine. 🙂

The thresholds understood God’s right to act against evil. There are things that make God angry.

6.) God’s Judgment

God will see that each person receives what he or she deserves. We know that’s right. It’s what justice is all about–getting what you deserve (Psalm 75:7).

Woman PrayingBeing In God’s Presence

The thresholds trembled at the presence of God. But when you and I come to most worship services, we’re not trembling. Our thoughts often wonder to mundane things and we respond with rote actions. A view of God’s holiness would change all that. Isaiah’s first reaction was to confess in fear and trembling. “Woe is me for I am a man ruined, a man of unclean lips. And I live among a people of unclean lips.” Reminds me of Daniel’s words of confession (Daniel 9:3ff).

How could Paul say later in his life, “I’m the chief of all sinners.” We look at Paul and think, “But he’s a spiritual giant.” The more mature, the more Paul spiritually grew in the faith, the clearer He saw the holiness of God. He better recognize his own imperfections.

Not only do we confess, but we quickly volunteer for service. Isaiah said, “Here am I. Send me!” He was ready to do whatever God wanted. Openness to ministry comes with abandon when we’re startled by the reality of God.

Getting Caught Up

Isaiah didn’t choose his role. He didn’t select his ministry from an aptitude test. Isaiah just got caught up in submission in the powerful presence of God. He wanted to do something, anything. So, he volunteered.

It’s like getting caught up in a great cause. Like during World War II after the attack at Pearl Harbor. Suddenly, men all around the country volunteered to serve. No twisted of arms required. Lines of people formed.

Mighty Motivation

We try to motivate ourselves to worship and serve out of duty, guilt, or commands. But when we view God’s glory, His holiness, and experience His presence among us, no superficial or self-centered pressure needed. When that happens, our hearts, souls, and spirits  tremble. We will not be able to help ourselves. We will worship Him, confess our sins, and want to serve. When we get caught up with who God really is, we become all God wants us to be (Isaiah 66:2).

May more than the thresholds tremble. Lord, open your glorious light over us! Usher in another great awakening!

Stephen Bly


Heavenly Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Woman Praying Image by Barbara Jackson from Pixabay


Knowing God - Surprising Side of Grace by Stephen A. Bly

The Surprising Side of Grace

**The Surprising Side of Grace / Appreciating God’s Loving Anger by Stephen A. Bly. What you love and what you hate reveals a lot about you. We need to know God’s loves and hates too. To understand who He really is. Knowing God includes knowing His grace, but also His loving anger. Available here SURPRISING SIDE OF GRACE  


“And The Thresholds Tremble” audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series. In Isaiah 6, the prophet Isaiah comes face-to-face with God’s holiness on His heavenly throne. Isaiah’s reaction to this turning point experience.

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  1. To God Be the Glory | Bly Books - March 10, 2022

    […] “And the Thresholds Tremble” Holy, Holy, Holy is Our God by Stephen Bly with audio podcast GOD’S CHARACTER  […]

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