Every Kid Unique by Stephen Bly & podcast

Cookie Cutter DoughYou’ve Got Unique Kids

I’m often asked, “How many children do you have?” And sometimes I reply, “I have one Russell, one Michael, and one Aaron.” It would be simpler to say, “I have three boys.” But that kind of statement lumps them into the same cookie cutter mold. And I’ve got unique kids. They’re definitely not the same. That’s part of the problem with raising kids. You can’t treat them all the same, can you?

My Three Sons

Twenty-five-year-old Russell is laid back, friendly, and humorous. He can sell you a stereo when you already own a dozen. And you’ll love him for it. He could be a great artist, if he ever got around to it.

Now, twenty-two-year-old Michael is nothing like his brother. Mike is intense, questioning, and thorough. Don’t expect to slip anything past him. He’ll pin you to the wall and make you explain your position. It must make sense, be rational, and got to work. Or Mike just won’t buy it. He’ll be a university president someday, if ulcers don’t overtake him first.

Then, there’s nine-year-old Aaron. He’s armed with a lightening quick mind. His heart is easy to crush. But he has an ego that must triumph over every individual on the face of the earth. He just might fly the first space ship to Mars, provided no one makes fun of him.

Cookie Cutter TrioAll Kids Aren’t The Same

You see, I’ve got custom, unique kids. They didn’t come off an assembly line, but from an artist’s studio instead. I’ve learned to treat them separately. The discipline I use with Russ didn’t work for Mike. Loving actions I showed Mike didn’t have the same affect on Aaron. In fact, I can’t treat Aaron like I treated his brothers when they were his age.

Every kid is different. I believe treating kids identical just might be the single greatest cause of sibling rivalry around.

Paul said, “Fathers, don’t exasperate your children” (Colossians 3:21).

Failing to recognize their individuality brings continual exasperation.

An Assignment

Take a minute today to do this. Write down the differences between each of your children. Then, thank God their Creator for your unique kids. Pledge yourself to continue to raise them one at a time. You might be surprised how things can change. They will eventually discover they’re free to be themselves and not a clone of you or your ideal image of all children.

Stephen Bly


Cookie Cutter Dough Image by RitaE from Pixabay

3 Cookie Cutters Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay


“Every Kid Unique” AUDIO PODCAST by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by BlyBooks.com Legacy Series.  

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“Tell It To The Kids” AUDIO PODCAST by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Recorded August 1989, Maranatha Conference Center, Muskegon, Michigan. Sponsored by BlyBooks.com Legacy Series.

Sign Up on BlyBooks.com on blog page to receive RSS feed by email for podcast blog notices. Related blog article with podcast embed will arrive every Tuesday and Thursday. Look to the right of the LINK PAGE for “Subscribe to the Blog via Email” and “Enter your email address”.
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PODCAST WEBSITE URL: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1777501
FULL PODCAST INFO: https://bit.ly/3xCxckS


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2 Responses to Every Kid Unique by Stephen Bly & podcast

  1. Eleanor Smith October 13, 2021 at 5:22 am #

    For those who peruse cookie cutter collections, each new shape is viewed with awe and excitement until the next new shape is encountered. In the end, we can’t decide on a favorite, but just love them all. Wouldn’t it be great if we treated each Child of God with such honor and delight and wonder, just as our Holy Father treats each one of us? Think of all the unique cookie cutters there are in this world, and how each one was made to take a lump of existence and leave behind unlimited sweet images of itself to share right on into Eternity!

    • Janet Chester Bly
      Janet Chester Bly October 13, 2021 at 3:14 pm #

      Great comment! Well expressed and written! Blessings, Janet

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