An old-timer up our way left the high school basketball game in a snowstorm. He took a wrong turn, then ended up in a town three hours south. For a man who lived only a few miles from the gym, that must have been quite a surprise. I didn’t say too much because I’ve had my share of wrong turns, shortcuts, and just plain getting lost down some scrubby back road.
Covered Wagon Bearing
I’m amazed how the old-time pioneers set out without any roads or decent maps, yet ended where they wanted to go. Often those pioneers would get up each morning and follow the tongue of their wagon.
At night, when the prairie stars beamed bright, they’d take a bearing on the North Star. For instance, if they drove cattle up to Kansas from Texas, they’d pull the wagon tongue around so it headed straight for that North Star. Then at daylight, they’d follow the direction where the tongue pointed.
On the other hand, if they headed west in a covered wagon, they’d line that wagon tongue perpendicular to the North Star. Once again, they’d have a trail to follow. The North Star provided a constant to keep coming back to and plot a journey.
Spiritual North Star
In the spiritual world, we’re given a constant too. Each day we might be tossed to and fro. Or others might give us wrong or deceptive instructions. Or we might find ourselves in situations we’ve never been before. Even so, it’s possible to keep on a right track.
The Bible says, “Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). He’s our guidepost that never fails. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Jesus becomes our true and only North Star.
Daily Follow the Tongue Reset
Like pioneers struggling across the great wilderness, you and I sometimes wrestle through a day hoping for survival. At the end of the day, we want confidence we headed the right direction. The tension of finances, the pressures of work, the strain of relationships, push us all over the place at once.
That’s exactly why we need to realign our lives and make sure we’re still headed for the heavenward goal. We can look to Jesus to straighten out our path and get started all over again. He will keep us from wandering around in a spiritual wilderness.
Stephen Bly
Circa 1995
Covered Wagon Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
North Star Image by 990609 from Pixabay
“Follow the Tongue” audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series.
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