Horse Saddle Perfection by Stephen Bly with Audio Podcast


During the cold winter months of north-central Idaho, my horse saddle spent most of its time on a stand in my Winchester office. I built a strong stand and cinched it down because most guests who came in to talk to me liked to climb up on it.

It made a dandy office chair. But that was not its main purpose.

Now, to most folks a horse saddle is just a seat for a rider on horseback. And they suppose, like choosing a chair at the café, it doesn’t matter too much what it’s like as long as the job gets done. But to a working cowboy, a saddle’s home. And for most cowboys getting a saddle that fits you and your work is more important than getting a good horse.

Horses come and go, but a saddle is a lifetime investment.

Old West Saying

The saying in the Old West was that a man rode a $10 horse and a $40 saddle. Well, if a good cow pony used to cost a thousand bucks, you can get an idea what a top, handcrafted saddle ought to cost today. And they do.

The Ideal Horse Saddle

The ideal saddle allows you to stay on board in a more comfortable fashion for both you and the horse. That means you must consider what kind of tree it has and how long the seat might be. Plus, you assess what kinds of horn and fork are available and which cantle suits your purposes. You’ll want to look at different types of skirts, fenders, stirrups, cinches, and taps. On and on.

Stephen Bly's office saddle

Stephen Bly’s office saddle

Cowboy Perfection 

If a cowboy ever happens to stumble onto a saddle that fits him well, it becomes the last possession on earth he’ll ever part with. There is something poetic, sublime, and deeply comforting about a good fitting saddle.

Well Fitted Faith 

In the spiritual realm, your Christian faith should fit like a good saddle. Or at least a yoke.

Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:29-30).

Jesus claimed His yoke to be easy. I think that means it will fit you well. A good yoke was comfortable for the ox and useful for the farmer.

Jesus’ Call 

His call in, on, and through your life will fit you well. It won’t wear you down nor restrict your potential. It won’t rob you of achievement. Your divine task to complete will be custom designed just for you.

In fact, I think you’ll find your walk with the Lord to be almost a poetic, sublime, and a deeply comforting experience. In a spiritual sense, it’s kind of like sitting in a well-fitting saddle.


Stephen Bly

Circa 1996

Horse Saddle Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay


WESTERN WISDOM  “Finding a Well-Fitted Saddle” audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series. 

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One Response to Horse Saddle Perfection by Stephen Bly with Audio Podcast

  1. Connie Sue Larson January 20, 2024 at 1:16 pm #

    Love this analogy

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