Jesus does not try to escape the cross, though He knew what would happen and could get out of this. That shows us Jesus is in control, in the midst of chaos. But it also teaches us surrender to God’s will isn’t always pleasant or fair. We learn that from the fortunate thief and murderer, Barabbas.
Mark 15:15, “And wishing to satisfy the multitude, Pilate released Barabbas for them, and after having Jesus scourged, he delivered Him to be crucified.”
Jesus is Easy To Hate
Jesus seems so narrow. He tells everyone, “I’m the only way to truth, to life, and to God.” And He’s so opinionated. He doesn’t mind telling anyone they’re wrong.
Jesus is easy to hate because He’s so independent, doesn’t need anyone else, gets quite demanding, “You have to follow Me on the narrow way.” In the account about Barabbas in Mark 15 we learn Jesus was hated out of envy (verse 10). Crowds thronged around Him. It looked like the whole world gathered around Jesus. On one day in Jerusalem, crowds lined the streets and threw palm branches before him, shouting, “Hosanna!” over and over.
Envy still motivates people to attack Jesus.
It’s Not Fair
Another thing we learn from the Barabbas situation: the price Jesus paid is not fair. He does not deserve this. The man who did nothing wrong will be crucified. And the murderer Barabbas who started a rebellion will be set free.
We do not live in a fair world. And you really wouldn’t want it any other way. In a fair world, every time you lusted in your heart, your spouse would leave and divorce you. Every time the speedometer went over 55, you’d automatically get a ticket. And every time you got angry at someone, you’d go on trial for murder. Or anytime you’d lie, a video played back to those people you talked about. Or you’d die whenever you sinned because “the wages of sin is death.”
But it’s not a fair world. We learn from the scene with Barabbas that crowd pleasing drove Jesus to the cross.
Mark 15:15, “And wishing to satisfy the multitude, Pilate released Barabas for them, and after having Jesus scourged, he delivered Him to be crucified.”
Crowds Make Lousy Counsellors
- Crowds don’t care about individual people. Some in a crowd don’t even know what everyone’s cheering about at all. Whether it’s a sporting event or political rally or anything else, most unruly crowds don’t care.
- Crowds aren’t very principled. They’re filled with mixed motives and usually unreasonable. For instance, they cheer if a guy hits a home run and wins the game and then ‘boo’ him if he makes an error the next night.
- Stirred up crowds are seldom sincere. They don’t have another’s best interests in mind. In fact, they don’t care much about you at all, except to have you scream their same taunts.
- Crowd loyalty is short lived. They’re fickle. They won’t stand by you in tough times.
- Only action, that’s what crowds desire, whether morally right or wrong. People have a good time at a hockey game, but if few goals score, there’s a ruckus.
Jesus was sent to the cross instead of Barabbas because Pilate listened to the loud, raucous, and unreliable crowd.
Stephen Bly
Circa 1990s
Jesus Crown of Thorns Silhouette Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
Crowd Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
“Spend a Day at the Cross” Audio Podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Learn more about Jesus through the eyes of those who were there at the cross. Sponsored by Legacy Series.
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