An old-time cowboy scratched out some notes in a journal as he worked on one of the big cattle drives from south Texas to the Kansas railheads in the 1870s. Often he mentioned how the trail boss kept after them to “keep up the corners.” A search through the book finally uncovered what that might mean.
Keeping Up Corners
This phrase meant to keep the herd moving at a reasonable and sustainable pace. The strongest cattle did not march over or just trot off and leave the weaker ones. The cowboys let the cattle spread out enough so not to get overheated but bunched up enough not to widen to an uncontainable size.
It was important that the entire herd grazed at a speed and in a manner that brought them together. So, when the boss shouted, “Keep up the corners!”, it was a signal to tighten control. Make sure the cows moved in a way best for all concerned.
Now it Seems to Me
From time to time someone ought to shout, “Tighten up the corners,” to you and me concerning our families. And according to the Bible, dads have a mighty important role.
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).
Part of that responsibility includes making sure the whole family grows spiritually. Understand your wife’s spiritual condition and make sure she has plenty of opportunity for worship and prayer, study and fellowship. She needs quiet times as well as the freedom to use her gifts, talents, and ministries given her from God.
Keeping Up with the Kids Too
The same is also true for each of the children. The next step in the spiritual life of your three-year-old will be different than your eighteen-year-old. But they both need to continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and become the person He created them to be.
We usually assume that if we’re moving along in the spiritual journey, the rest of the family will automatically go at our pace. Or if we drag our feet, they’ll stay back with us. Maybe we need from time to time to hear the Big Boss holler, “Keep up those corners!” Or its spiritual equivalent. And what do you think that might be?
Stephen Bly
Circa 1997
Cattle Drive Image by Rizwan Gabru from Pixabay
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