10 Ways to Give God Glory God’s glory got pushed down my list lately. I had one of those weeks when I felt like a ball in a pinball machine. Banging back and forth from one thing to another. A roller coaster of highs and lows. A bit of disorientation as I hopped from life […]
Standers Stay by Her Clan by Stephen Bly & Podcast
SHE’S A STANDER! All the heroines in the Stuart Brannon Series rate what I call ‘standers.’ They can be counted on to be there during the toughest of times. I got a letter from Kelly of Lyndale, Indiana. She enjoyed my Westerns. “I’m only eleven years old,” she wrote, “but I’ve enjoyed every one of […]
Jerk Line by Stephen Bly & Podcast
What’s a Jerk Line Anyway? One hundred years after the invention of the automobile, they still measured the strength of an engine by its horsepower. And I love it. Of course, I’d be more fascinated seeing a ten-up freight wagon rig rather than the latest issue from Detroit. Now, that was real horsepower. Or mule […]
Singing Sermon by Stephen Bly & Podcast
Jesus Loves Me, This I Know Is there any more common doctrine in the world? Even little children sing about it. Yet, we have a hard time understanding. For instance, did the martyr Stephen sing, “Jesus loves me,” as they hauled him out, stoned him, and left him for dead? I don’t know. But God’s […]
Have You Got Jawbone Credit?
Jawbone Credit Western Slang Devotional by Stephen Bly On February 15th, 1894, Milton Porter, without a penny to his name, walked into the White Pine County Bank in Ely, Nevada, and carried out $12,000 cash. He used jawbone credit. He didn’t have a mask over his face or a six-gun in his hand. The tellers didn’t […]
Worst Sinner in the World & Podcast
Apostle Paul, Chief Sinner Sometimes it’s possible to overstate your case. While riding about two miles outside Burns, Oregon near a lumber mill, I spotted a small café. The sign in front read in large letters, “The Worst Food in Oregon Since 1970.” That almost made us stop. We wanted to see if they’d overstated […]
Javelina Wars by Stephen Bly & Podcast
Have a Little Javelina in Ya? A friend of mine runs a thousand head of hogs down in the hills of California. These animals roam wild on the fenced mountain terrain. They root out acorns and other tasty morsels, as well as break into a cornfield now and then. We drove his pickup into a […]
Pay Your Dues by Stephen Bly & Podcast
How to be a Good Citizen To be a good citizen and get a good job, we’re told to obey the laws and pay your dues. But it can be frustrating. For instance, the good old government way includes so much red tape and bureaucracy. But what would we do without it? Let me tell […]
Jamboree Defined & Podcast
Let’s Have a Jamboree! Speaking some words brings just about as much fun as singing a song. Take the word, jamboree, for instance. There’s something musical about its sound. The syllables roll and dance off your tongue. It comes to life before your eyes. Not exclusively a western word, normally it means a carnival, feast, gala […]
Prepare For the Final Day & Podcast
Get Ready! The Final Day’s Coming! Sometimes one day in our lives seems to cast a shadow on everything we do. That’s all right for short term things. But for the long term, the only day that should cast a shadow on daily events is the final day the Lord will return. That reality should […]
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