Wanted Woman Mary mother of Jesusw

Heaven’s Most Wanted Woman

Who, from God’s point of view, is the biblical model for women today? Who is heaven’s most wanted woman? Many women have been commissioned by God through the ages. A wanted woman can be a mother or wife. Or a single female. A wanted woman can become a simple servant or the founder of a great […]

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deep thinker Mary & shepherds

Mary The Deep Thinker

What did God see in Mary? That he would choose her as mother of His son? Perhaps because Mary was a woman of contemplation, a deep thinker. “And all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke […]

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Cheyenne Western Slang Song "Goodbye Ol' Paint"

Are You Leavin’ Cheyenne? with Audio Podcast

Leavin’ Cheyenne Western Slang Out west there’s a big difference between country music and western music. The beat’s not the same. Diverse instruments. Different words. Western music claims a long history. Most songs center around the vast outdoors. Horses and cattle, danger and the girl left behind. Ever since the first drover had to ride night […]

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Author Janet Chester Bly's sons Russell, Michael & Aaron Bly

Western Author Interview Part 2: Stephen Bly Family Writing Team

Stuart Brannon Series Completed Award-winning western author Stephen Bly passed away June 9, 2011, after a 5-year battle with prostate cancer. His wife, Janet Chester Bly, and 3 sons determined to finish the western book series with Book #7 he began, Stuart Brannon’s Final Shot. Here’s the second and final part of a western author […]

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Clock Antique

Western Book Series: The Ticking Clock & A Novel Timeline

Final Western Book Series Novel Family Deadline by Janet Chester Bly  We started the project July 1, 2011. Our deadline for Stuart Brannon’s Final Shot, Book 7 in the Stuart Brannon western book series, was November 1st. My husband, western author Stephen Bly, left us 7,000 words (one chapter), a one-page synopsis, some scribbled, penciled […]

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