Conflict Counseling for Pet Peeves etc

How To Cushion Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves and Other Irritations At times in every relationship, each marriage, things don’t go completely smooth. We face irritations that we call ‘pet peeves’. Relationships can be complicated, especially in marriage, the ultimate invasion of privacy. Husband Stephen and I realized that more intensely when we moved to Idaho to experiment with writing together […]

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The wonder of eyes

The Wonder of it All

Seeing God’s Wonder for the First Time–Again What if your eyes opened this morning, after a full night’s sleep, but there was nothing of God’s wonder to see? No light anywhere. Not a race of the sun. No circling stars in their firm belt or moonshine. Not one streak of azure blue, flaming orange, blood […]

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Stephen Bly & Janet Chester Bly in nickel-plated western dress

Nickel Plated From Head to Toe

A Nickel Plated Style My wife, Janet, enjoys wearing western-style clothing. Oh, not the common, ordinary jeans, boots, and blouse. Rather she prefers what I call nickel-plated, western chic. Her sterling silver, feather, and turquoise earrings, for instance, harmonize with the rings on her fingers and necklaces. And they have to blend with the sequined […]

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