Tears streamed down the boy's scrubbed-clean pink cheeks. His chin and shoulders slumped. "Mama had me hold her hand. She said, 'Goodbye, dear Landen. Grow strong and faithful and brave. I'll be waiting for you.' Then the wrinkles on her forehead disappeared, and she reached toward the ceiling and said, 'Yes...I'm coming.' Then she went to sleep, and I couldn't wake her up."
Jolie grabbed her linen handkerchief from the sleeve of her dress. Lord, I'm too young to have this responsibility. I'm barely eighteen. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. Please help me.
Reason & Riots by Stephen Bly -Book 3, Homestead young adult book series.
In this third of the Homestead historical book series, a boy loses his life to a breakaway rail car. Jolie Bowers’ compulsion to control stretches to the limit. She’s teaching school in Scottsbluff, Nebraska and preparing for her wedding. Then she must deal with the violent reaction of the town’s citizens to the railroad accident. Jolie finds herself facing trouble from all sides. Her family’s Nebraska homestead is threatened. The love lives of two of the younger members of the family arouse high emotions and crazy schemes. The greatest challenge the Bowers family has ever faced comes when one of their own is seriously injured.
Excerpt from Reason & Riots, Homestead young adult fiction book series by Stephen Bly
April Vockney ran her fingers through her long blonde hair. “What do you think if feels like to die?”
Jolie Bowers looked away and brushed her cheeks. “I would think it feels scary, since we are sometimes afraid of the unknown. Perhaps lonely too. We have to leave loved ones behind.”
“Mama wasn’t scared,” Landen Yarrow murmured.
“Oh, sweetie, I forgot.” Jolie hugged the eight-year-old. “You were with your mama when she died, weren’t you?”
Tears streamed down the boy’s scrubbed-clean pink cheeks. His chin and shoulders slumped. “Mama had me hold her hand. She said, ‘Goodbye, dear Landen. Grow strong and faithful and brave. I’ll be waiting for you.’ Then the wrinkles on her forehead disappeared, and she reached toward the ceiling and said, ‘Yes…I’m coming.’ Then she went to sleep, and I couldn’t wake her up.”
Jolie grabbed her linen handkerchief from the sleeve of her dress. Lord, I’m too young to have this responsibility. I’m barely eighteen. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do. Please help me.
Resources for those who enjoy this book series …
Playlist, a new site for Christian young adult fiction book releases: http://playlistfiction.com/books/all-books/
If you like The Homestead book series, you might also enjoy The Skinners of Goldfield, another family life historical fiction book series.
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