In this contemporary western romance, fifth grade teacher Develyn Worrell hoped for a summer of reconciliation with her twenty-year-old daughter. But the sudden death of her ex-husband embitters her daughter Delaney against her. Delaney says her lack of forgiveness contributed to her father's heart attack.
Book 1, The Horse Dreams Series, Memories of a Dirt Road Town by Stephen Bly – contemporary western romance, cowgirl adventures
Depressed at the thought of a long summer alone, Develyn Worrell packs and leaves Indiana to head West in this contemporary western romance. She longs to get away. She remembers an innocence experienced on a vacation when she was ten. In Memories of a Dirt Road Town, Develyn seeks not only to relive the best parts of her past, but to define her present and discover her future. A paint mare, a quirky new girlfriend, and three cowboys help get her life in focus. In a dirt road town in central Wyoming.
Some would call the adventures in this contemporary western romance Cowgirl Lit. Other contemporary western romance books by Stephen Bly: One Step Over The Border, The Lost Manuscript of Martin Taylor Harrison, The Final Chapter of Chance McCall, The Kill Fee of Cindy LaCoste.
Review of Horse Dreams Trilogy:
“I’m reading the Horse Dreams Trilogy and felt the need to explain to my son why I’m laughing out loud so much. He understood when I told him that it was a book by the author of the Lewis and Clark Squad series. Bly books are a favorite at our house.” — Sandy Sieber
Excerpt from contemporary western romance Memories of a Dirt Road Road Town:
The sigh was slow, deliberate … like a ship departing for a long voyage and none of the crew quite ready to say good-bye. “Dear, sweet Lily, your summer is planned. Six weeks of summer school and a month with the grandchildren in Wisconsin. I’m not sure when I will have grandchildresn, nor if my daughter will even tell me. So, I would get to sit at home all summer and feel sorry for myself. I have felt sorry for myself for over ten years. I can’t stand that any more.”
“Ten years?” Lily questioned.
“That wasn’t the only time Spencer did this.”
“You never told me that before.”
“I never told anyone. Not mother. And certainly not Delaney. But like an old wool coat, lies wear thin over the years.”
Contemporary western romance Memories of a Dirt Road Town on GOODREADS … http://bit.ly/1FExVDj
Fan Review of Memories of a Dirt Road Town:
“I loved it! So well written! I bought the book because the story summary about a teacher from Indiana caught my attention; that’s my background. I was apprehensive when “Dev” traveled west by herself, but once I got over that I was “there,” in the story with her. The cowboys were cool; loved “Lily” and “Casey.” Can’t wait to get “The Mustang Breaker.” — Teresa C.
Check this review out on YouTube:
A gal like Develyn would read a nonfiction book like The Heart of a Runaway/Hope & Understanding for the Woman Who Longs To Escape: https://www.blybooks.com/product_category/inspirational-family-life/page/2/
Contemporary western romance Memories of a Dirt Road Town also known as COWGIRL LIT
3-book Horse Dreams Series in 1 Volume: 3-bks 1 Volume
~~ 1 free copy illustrated When the Cowboys Come to Town available to you. Western novelist Stephen Bly assembled 31 of his cowboy poetry favorites and presented them in a display ready to hang on your office, barn, bunkhouse or privy wall. Spiral-bound, 9″x12″ illustrated cowboy poetry book with hole for hanging like a calendar. Email janet@blybooks.com with mailing address to request.
~~ 1 free copy When the Cowboys Come to Town CD, narrated by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Email janet@blybooks.com with mailing address to request.
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