Nathan Riggins, his dad, and friend Colin head out on a cattle drive. Along the way, the boys must fight hungry coyotes trying to take a newborn calf.

Coyote True
Stephen Bly
Coyote True, Book 2, Nathan T. Riggins Western Adventure series by Stephen Bly
Nathan Riggins couldn’t believe it. He and his dad and friend Colin were going on a cattle drive. But as they set out, the trip took unexpected turns. Nathan’s dad had to leave them to hunt down an escaped crook. He would join the group later. Then Colin’s friend Leah finagled her way along.
When Pepper the cook hurt his foot and had to return to camp, the three kids were on their own. How would they round up cattle when they had never done it before? And how should they deal with the coyote family living beneath their cabin?
Soon their situation turned ugly. Nathan faces hungry coyotes trying to take a newborn calf. Worse yet, in a terrifying encounter the escapee found their camp and threatens to kill Nathan. And ambush Nathan’s dad. And hold Colin and Leah for ransom.
Excerpt from Coyote True:
Old Flagpole turned out to be a good foreman even though he kept limping on his bad foot. By noon the gate had been re-set and most of the missing rails replaced. He and Nathan propped up the sagging fence line. Flagpole pointed to the cabin. “Miss Leah, you and Colin go warm us up some dinner.”
They turned toward the cabin and Pepper halted them. “Wait up. Nathan, grab your dog!”
Nathan whistled and Tona ran to his side. He reached down and hugged him around the neck. Tona wagged as he enjoyed the attention.
“Look up that draw over yonder,” Pepper called out. “See what’s slinking through the sage?”
“A coyote!” Leah exclaimed.
“Shhh! Don’t spook him,” Pepper warned. “Just watch.”
The male coyote trotted from sage to sage. He kept hidden most of the time until he reached the west side of the cabin.
“Look,” Nathan whispered. “There’s another one coming out of the hole.”
“It must be the mother.” Leah tried to keep her voice low.
The male made a low, hoarse coughing sound.
“He’s sick. Oh man,” Colin gagged. “He vomited.”
“Regurgitated,” Pepper corrected him.
“Disgusting!” Colin wrinkled his nose. “Look, the other one is eating it. I think I’m going to puke.”
“But that’s exactly what a coyote is supposed to do,” Pepper commented. “They swallow the food nearly whole and bring it home. He’s feeding them, that’s all.”
“I’m not going to be hungry anytime soon,” Leah insisted.
Sorry, but Coyote True is not available through Bly Books at this time. Keep watch for announcement of re-release of this novel for kids and the others in the series in the near future. Sign up for the Almost Monthly Bly Books newsletter to keep posted: NEWSLETTER SIGNUP
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