The thing about trouble, as this story in Stephen Bly's western novel series proves, is somehow it always manages to find the people who try hardest to stay away from it. And clearing up the past can be downright dangerous, especially when your name is Tap Andrews.
Book 2, Code of the West western novel series: One Went To Denver & The Other Went Wrong by Stephen Bly
The last thing Tap Andrews wants to do is go to Denver, Colorado, but he must.
Tap Andrews is fed up with fighting every gun-toting bounty hunter looking to make quick cash by dragging him back to Arizona. Tap knows he’s innocent and his wife-to-be, Pepper, believes it. Now he has to prove it. And Pepper is determined to follow him anywhere, until she hears where he’s headed.
Excerpt from western novel One Went to Denver and the Other Went Wrong:
“If all you’re goin’ to do is write a letter, why did we have this big argument? I thought you said you had to go someplace, be gone for weeks, and settle the matter.”
“Well, I do, sort of. I’ve got a friend in Denver. You ever heard of Wade Eagleman?”
“Is he a shootist?”
“Nope. He’s an attorney. Wade and I go way back…I’ll slip into Denver and look up Wade. He can send Stuart Brannon a telegraph. We’ll make it all legal-like.”
“So all you’ve been sayin’ is that you want to take a trip to Denver to see some attorney? Tap Andrews, if you would have said that in the first place, there wouldn’t have been any problem at all.”
“I figured I might just stay in Denver until Wade gets word back. Maybe it would mean ridin’ down to Arizona. Maybe not. That’s why I figured we’d need to put the weddin’ on the shelf until later. But if you’re goin’ with me…”
“Goin’ with you?”
“Sure. You talked me into lettin’ you come along.”
“I ain’t goin’ to Denver.” She sat straight up and pulled back from Tap. “There’s no way you’re getting me to Denver…I am not now nor will I ever go to Denver!”
Other Series Titles
Other titles in this western novel series include It’s Your Misfortune & None of My Own, Where the Deer & the Antelope Play, Stay Away from That City…They Call It Cheyenne, My Foot’s in the Stirrup…My Pony Won’t Stand, and I’m Off to Montana for to Throw The Hoolihan. If you enjoy this western novel series, you’ll also like the Stuart Brannon seven book western novel series.
One Went to Denver & the Other Went Wrong western novel PAPERBACK: $10.95
Hardback/large print (limited quantity) $24.99
4 audio cassettes, read by Jerry Sciarrio, unabridged, app. 5.8 hrs, $20.00 $9.99
2 audio cassettes by Oasis Audio, read by author Stephen Bly, abridged version, app. 3 hrs, $15.00, $9.99
Click button for Audio CDs for this western novel from Books In Motion
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