A digital short story about two Indian youths who enter fierce competition to gain favor in their tribe. Their rivalry turns to friendship as they battle for survival. This is a background story for one of the characters in Book 7 of the Stuart Brannon western series novels, Stuart Brannon's Final Shot.
Catcher-of-the-Sun Runs High, Digital Short Story by western author Stephen Bly
Excerpt for digital short story, Catcher-of-the-Sun Runs High:
In the seasons before the earth lay pocked by the urgency of men with picks and gold pans, when the great buffalo still swarmed the tall grass plains, I visited my father for the very first time and suckled in peace at my mother’s breasts. Her beauty still burns legend in the hearts and minds of the old warriors.
For my parents’ sake and all those in our tribe, for fear that the season will come when no one living can remember our history, I have taken it as my solemn duty to inscribe this truthful account.
In the spring after the babies died we left our high camp for the last time. The elders determined that facing the The-People-Who-Roar-In-Battle would be more desirable than losing additional little warriors to the violence of high camp winters. The mothers and sisters ground out that judgment when they refused to ever climb the peaks again.
Our enemies did not steal or slaughter or count coup while we perched in solitude at high camp, but fourteen babies, including my brother, was too brutal a tragedy for one band to withstand. Some mothers mourned for several seasons.
And a few mourn still.
Other titles in The Stuart Brannon western series novels include: Hard Winter At Broken Arrow Crossing, False Claims at the Little Stephen Mine, Last Hanging at Paradise Meadow, Standoff at Sunrise Creek, Final Justice at Adobe Wells, and Son of an Arizona Legend. If you enjoy these western series novels, you’ll also like the six book Code of the West western series novels with Tap Andrews.
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