This book is a clear and often wry look at today's not-so-empty nest. Stephen Bly helps you navigate the choppy waters of relationships between adult children and parents. Once a Parent Always a Parent provides suggestions for parenting adult kids without driving each other up the wall.
Once a Parent Always a Parent, How To Love & Support Your Adult Children, a family life book by Stephen Bly
You thought once your kids moved out of the house, it would be safe to get on with your life. You said to yourself, “My children are adults. They can take care of themselves, and I can do what I want, when I want.” So why do the kids still call with problems, need money, want help with advice, and even ask to move back home again after they’ve been on their own?
Welcome to the real world of parenting. Kids grow up, but they never stop being your kids. They’re just adult children. And in these ever-changing, challenging times, families need each other more than ever. Four suggestions for adult children still at home. 1) Talk more but don’t yell. 2) Divide the tasks and expenses. 3) Plan together future goals. 4) Spend time playing together.
Chapter titles for Once a Parent, Always a Parent include:
What Empty Nest? And Other Surprises from Our Adult Children. The Crowded Nest: When Adult Children Live at Home. Marrying Them Off . Do You (Still) Know Where Your Children Are? How to Worry about Your Adult Kids. The Family Bank. Saying No to Your Adult Children. Forgiving Adult Children Who Disappoint You. Sharing Your Wisdom. Grandparenting for Lasting Results. You Can Go Home Again. Reparenting the Struggling Adult Child. Passing the Torch. Sharing Faith, Traditions, and Culture.
Practical helps for parents who struggle with how to love and support their adult children.
Once a Parent, Always a Parent Paperback English $12.00 $9.95
Spanish language paperback edition (limited quantity) $11.99
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