our adult child is back home. Now what? Parents fill a unique role in family life. That role may change with age and circumstances, but you will always be mom or dad. Millions of American families have at least one adult child living at home. The phenomenon is growing. Sociologists call them "boomerang kids" or the product of over-involved "helicopter parenting." This family life booklet deals with reasons and practical helps.
Help! My Adult Child Won’t Leave Home, a family life book by Stephen Bly & general editor Dr. Bill Maier
Your adult child is back home. Now what? Parents fill a unique role in family life. That role may change with age and circumstances, but you will always be mom or dad. Millions of American families have at least one adult child living at home. The phenomenon is growing. Sociologists call them “boomerang kids” or the product of over-involved “helicopter parenting.” This family life booklet deals with reasons and practical helps.
How do you deal with the crowded nest?
When your offspring should be ready to leave home or moves back home, here’s what you need to know:
— how to share space and set limits
— share wisdom without making his or her decisions
— say ‘no’ without slamming the door
— forgive an adult child who disappoints you
— how to lend money
— six problems to anticipate
— how to make living together again work for everyone
— how to deal with special struggles of adult children
This family life booklet deals with how you can strike a balance between love and limits in your relationship with your adult child. Practical helps for not so empty nest parents. The HELP! Series: Answer to Focus on the Family’s most frequently asked questions.
Other Family Life Helps
Frontier Faith Audio Podcast and Blog article by Stephen Bly HERE FRONTIER FAITH
Coming Home Audio Podcast and Blog article by Stephen Bly HERE COMING HOME PODCAST
A family ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Resources such as the Home Builders Couples Series, the Family Life Parenting Conference, Family Life Marriage FAMILY LIFE
Family Life Radio features Contemporary Christian Music and Programming to help you experience hope FAMILY LIFE RADIO
Parenting Your Adult Child: Building a Healthy Relationship in a Changing World. This revised and updated version of Dr. Gary Chapman’s and Dr. Ross Campbell’s family life message will help today’s parents explore how to really love their adult child in today’s changing world. The book includes brief sidebars from parents of adult children and adult children themselves with their own stories. PARENTING ADULT CHILD
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