This western Christian fiction romance novel set in the years beyond the California Gold Rush. In a land and a time where reputations were gained and lost in a matter of weeks, Martina Swan is about to discover whether she has the faith and courage to survive.

Last Swan in Sacramento
Book 2, Old California Series, Last Swan in Sacramento western Christian fiction romance novel by Christy Award winning author Stephen Bly
A western Christian fiction romance novel set in the years beyond the California Gold Rush. In a land and time reputations could be quickly gained or lost, Martina Swan discovers whether she has the faith and courage to survive.
Martina Swan, daughter of the legendary Wilson and Alena Merced, grapples to find peace in a failing marriage. Her husband leaves her to try his luck at the Comstock Lode in Virginia City, Nevada. A promise to come home a wealthy man “in three weeks” leaves her still alone a year later. Meanwhile, Martina struggles to keep the family store solvent in Sacramento. And raise their child. The bank threatens to close the business, while armed outlaws claim she possesses their stolen treasure.
Then a stranger shows up with a message from her husband. Martina determines to bring her man home. She has to toughen up quick as she fights the most difficult battle of her life.
Other Resources
Kim Ford Christian Fiction Online Magazine author interview with Stephen Bly: http://christianfictiononlinemagazine.com/june-10-best_interview.html
An interview with western author Stephen Bly on the Finding Hope Through Fiction blog: http://bit.ly/YHHwEW
Popular western Christian fiction romance novels on GoodReads: http://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/christian-western-romance
Novel Pastimes Interview with western author Stephen Bly: http://www.novelpastimes.com/2010/06/interview-with-author-stephen-bly.html
Other western Christian fiction romance novel titles in the Old California series include: The Red Dove of Monterey and Proud Quail of the San Joaquin. If you enjoy this series, you will like The Heroines of the Golden West western Christian fiction romance novel series too. All of them published by Crossway Books.
For other western Christian fiction romance Stephen Bly books, check out Throw The Devil Off The Train, The Senator’s Other Daughter, The General’s Notorious Widow, The Outlaw’s Twin Sister
Click button for Audio book edition of Last Swan in Sacramento western Christian fiction romance novel from Books In Motion … read by Laurie Klein: AUDIO
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