What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus? If you’re a spiritual seeker or have a passion to know what following Jesus involves, this eBooklet’s for you. Start by learning the basics. Learn four secrets to spiritual success. Then consider the common obstacles to overcome. And don’t forget to review the fine print cause.
All the Following Jesus Series eBooklets are adapted from Radical Discipleship, Stephen Bly’s first published book.
The Way-Paver Society is the first eBooklet in the Following Jesus Series by Stephen Bly
The fiery prophet John the Baptist earned national fame following Jesus. He inaugurated history’s greatest movement. Courageous, noble, revolutionary, he operated from great conviction. John was the advance man. He gathered and prepared the crowds and turned them toward Jesus.
Jesus considered him a great man. He said, “Among those born of women, there is no one greater than John” (Luke 7:28). John rated as high as Moses, Elijah, and Daniel. Yet John’s ministry lasted three years at the most. He never performed a miracle. His life ended with prison and beheading.
How come Jesus considered John a spiritual success? Four traits in following Jesus signified his secret to greatness. He’s the patriarch of the Way-Paver Society. Join this select society of disciples. Learn to be a way-paver. Aim for excellence in everything you do, like Jesus did.
The Successes of Jesus
Jesus had no fear of excellence. One of the most powerful and dramatic verses in the New Testament is Mark 7:37. An astonished, overwhelmed, and amazed crowd exclaimed, “He has done all things well!”
What Does Following Jesus Involve?
Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24 NKJ).
In addition, consider some common obstacles when following Jesus. Be aware of the fine print clause. Come alongside another’s ministry. And focus the honor where it belongs.
The Way-Paver Society eBooklet includes four true life testimonies and deeper study in following Jesus from Mark 1 and Mark 7. Can be used for individual or group study.
Following Jesus paperback by Stephen Bly HERE FOLLOWING JESUS
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