What does following Jesus mean? Follow him through the scenes and details of the Book of Mark. Determine if you're a way-paver or a pallet carrier or committed to super-prayer.
Following Jesus eBooklet Series by Stephen Bly
What does following Jesus mean? Radical discipleship. That’s what Jesus encouraged for His followers. Nothing dull, stale, run-of-the-mill. He demanded a total, sold-out commitment from every would-be disciple. Or don’t follow Him at all.
Radical discipleship is spiritual greatness. Not fame. Not high position of church authority. Not superior understanding of biblical passages. Spiritual greatness means laying aside all that hinders total dedication to the cause of Christ. Become a way-paver, paving the way for others to come to Christ. Be willing to give of time and resources to see people come to the Lord. Put a priority on spiritual is time-consuming and difficult. But the rewards are magnificent. And eternal.
Jesus still asks today, “Are you willing to strive for spiritual greatness for My Name’s sake?” If your answer is yes, this Following Jesus series is for you.
Following Jesus series includes digging deeper discussions from the Book of Mark for individual and group study.
Get all the .99 cent Following Jesus eBooklets for your digital reader!
The Way-Paver Society … Learn secrets from John the Baptist.
The Pallet Carrier’s Union … Bring a needy friend to Jesus.
Get Ready! Get Set! … Prepare your soil for a good harvest.
People You Meet Along the Way … Find your best partners.
Try the Door One More Time. … When God says, “No!”, ask again.
Life With That Extra Zest … Spice your world with some salt.
Bargain Price Fame … Jesus’ heroine bought her fame for two mites. Learn from her about attitude too.
Dodging Detours & Dead Ends … Avoid the traps that snare serious Jesus followers.
The Trouble with Greatness / The Humility of Fame, eBooklet 9, Following Jesus Series by Stephen Bly
God deserves great children. The difference between being infamous and great begins with making good choices. Ten steps to making godly decisions. Accepting that no one does it perfect every time. Ten questions to consider on the Fame Or Greatness Checklist.
What’s the difference between spiritual greatness and holy humility and why should you care? Figuring out God’s part and yours. Four things Jesus does for you. Lessons from Debbie’s and Maria’s story. Four reasons to want to achieve spiritual greatness.
Suggestions included for digging deeper into Mark 15 and Mark 16. What new insights are you learning about following Jesus? Why do you think the crowd chose Barabbas over Jesus? Discerning the sometimes different roles of female and male followers of Jesus and what that means for you today. For individual or group study. Ebooks total set of 9. Get them all!

Following Jesus by Stephen Bly
Following Jesus paperback by Stephen Bly NOW AVAILABLE HERE FOLLOWING JESUS
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