What does it take to be one of the good kind of grandparents? As different as your grandkids are, they have at least two things in common. They are each part of your family life. And each one would benefit greatly from loving grandparents actively involved in their worlds.
Family Life How-Tos and Tips for Grandparents Tips: How To Be A Good Grandparent by Stephen & Janet Bly
What does it take to be one of the good kind of grandparents? As different as your grandkids are, they have at least two things in common. They are each part of your family life. And each one would benefit greatly from loving grandparents actively involved in their worlds.
How To Be A Good Grandparent offers dozens of ideas that you can implement today, no matter what your grandchildren’s ages or where they live. Included are special suggestions for grandparents with divorced children, long-distance grandparents, and grandparents whose time and finances are limited.
No matter what your situation, you can help give your grandchildren a sense of security, unconditional acceptance, and love. Being a good grandparent can be lots of fun and can reap eternal rewards for you, your grandchildren, and your entire family.
Chapter titles for How To Be A Good Grandparent include:
“They Don’t Make Grandmas and Grandpas Like That Anymore.” How to Make Them Feel Special – Without Taking Them to Disneyland. When Grandma and Grandpa Can’t Agree. Long-Distance Grandparenting. How to Keep the Family Life History Alive. Teaching Your Grandchildren Your Unique Skills. Support Your Grandchildren’s Parents. If Your Grandkids’ Parents Divorce. Transmitting Spiritual Truth to Squirmy Little Kids. Teaching Proper Behavior Without Nagging. How to Spend a Vacation Together…and Not Be Worn to a Frazzle. How any Grandparent Can Be the World’s Best Babysitter. How to Pray for Your Grandchildren. How to Be a Grandparent Your Grandkids Can Count On.
How To Be A Good Grandparent offers Biblical guidance and dozens of fun, inexpensive ideas, no matter the age of your grandkids.
Video by Janet Chester Bly on the writing of family life books by the Bly & Bly team:
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