Do you like surprise packages? Find one in your mail with this grab bag, bundle of 4 books sale!
Help! Take advantage of my nonfiction grab bag book sale! I moved from the country to the city and now my bookshelves overflow with excess book copies! Here’s my big book bundle sale price offer for award-winning western author Stephen Bly ** and/or Janet Chester Bly nonfiction devotional, inspirational, how-to’s and family books. Need to ease my inventory overstock after my greatly down-sized relocation! I’d appreciate your assistance in clearing out some shelf space! I will grab and box up 4 books for $12 or 8 for $24, plus shipping. Limit 8 books per person.
Some Book Sale Fine Print
I choose the nonfiction titles, according to the week’s surplus. If you receive a book you already own or read before or doesn’t interest you, gift it. Another option, donate to your church, prison, veteran’s, nursing home or public library. You might also get a book in the grab bag you’ve never heard of. Categories range from devotional to parenting, discipleship to marriage, grandparenting or inspiring, true-life stories. Let me surprise you!
Sorry, at this time grab bag bundle sales confined to USA/United States customers only. And remember, eight book limitation on this special order.
That’s how it works. Enjoy the book package that arrives as I clear out my bulging bookshelves!
Janet Chester Bly
Janet’s Newest Release …
Grace Spilling Over / True Stories of God’s Tender Mercies by Janet Chester Bly
Inspiring tales of God’s goodness and why He can always be trusted. These folks faced troubles and heartbreak and often asked, “Why?” Impatient for relief, some wondered at God’s delays.
No easy answers here nor flinching from facing unfairness and sometimes cruelty. Yet hope and grace vibrate in these pages. Wrapped with prayer and Bible wisdom, these stories help you enter into God’s presence and linger to really listen. See how He prepares His children for what He knows lies ahead.
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