Leave your grandchildren a rich heritage. Good grandparenting includes a spiritual legacy. Find out how in this grandparents family life book.
The Power of a Godly Grandparent*** by Stephen Bly and Janet Chester Bly … a tips for grandparents family life book
Grandparents family life can be up close and personal. Or far away and disconnected. You may or may not have material wealth to leave your grandchildren, but you have a potential to pass on a treasured legacy. Give your grandchildren the power of unconditional love. Give them the power of your testimony of fatith. Show them how God will be faithful through the coming generations. Give your grandchildren the power of your prayers. Give your grandchildren a spiritual inheritance.
Whether your grandchildren live across the country, down the street, or down the hall, The Power of a Godly Grandparent reveals how grandparents can be the most crucial family members grandkids count on.
Chapter themes for this grandparents family life book include:
Seeking God First. Your Role as a Grandparent. Making Your Grandchildren Feel Special. Loving Long Distance. Your Family History. Teaching Your Unique Skills. Knowing Your Place. Being There If Your Grandkids’ Parents Divorce. Sharing Spiritual Truth. Loving Discipline. Top-Quality Time Together. Being the World’s Best Babysitter. Praying for Your Grandchildren. Being a Grandparent Your Grandchildren Can Depend On.
Comments From Readers
“I am a psychologist using this book in a class in my church. I hope it will always be in print. It is the best one I’ve read, and I read a number of books preparing for this class, which I will be teaching more than once. Thanks for an excellent, well written book that nails it.” Joy Smith
***The Power of a Godly Grandparent is a revised version of How To Be A Good Grandparent.
Video by Janet Chester Bly on the writing of family life books by the Bly & Bly team:
Grandparents Family Life Resources
— “Solo Grandparenting and Missing Grandpa” – Interview with Author Janet Chester Bly: JANET’S INTERVIEW
— Courageous Grandparenting conferences and seminars. Finding unshakable faith in a broken world. Find out more at this grandparents family life website: https://christiangrandparenting.net/
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