In this second historical novel in the Skinners of Goldfield, Nevada series, gold abounds in the town's mine shafts and sandy soil. But that's not where the Goldfield true treasure lies.
Hidden Treasure by Christy Award winning western author Stephen Bly, Book 2, The Skinners of Goldfield historical novel family life saga
In this second historical novel in the Skinners of Goldfield, Nevada series, gold abounds in the town’s mine shafts and sandy soil. But that’s not where the Goldfield true treasure lies.
The weather is harsh. Sin is glorified. Greed is rampant. Spiritual sensitivity is scarce. And kids grow up with sand in their eyes and gold fever in their bones. The Lord, however, leads in mysterious ways, and it is clear that the Skinner family can’t leave just yet.
Not with O. T. Skinner having to find his friend who is out hunting treasure in the middle of the desert. Not with Dola Mae Skinner needing to search for a missing child and still feed dinner to 75 hungry miners. And especially not with the Rokker family clinging to them and their faith in the midst of still another struggle.
The Skinners grapple with each situation in their family life adventures of this historical novel, that include their own life-and-death circumstances. Meanwhile, they are reminded of what riches they have in their faith. And they discover unexpected treasure in their Goldfield, Nevada friends.
Excerpt from Hidden Treasure, Skinners of Goldfield historical novel, family saga series by Stephen Bly
Tommy-Blue Skinner stormed across the bare hardwood floor of the upstairs living quarters, a turquoise-colored rock the size of a baseball in one hand and a reddish yellow one in the other. He held them up as if presenting an offering to the bare electric light bulb in the center of the ceiling. “You were supposed to label each sample,” he fumed.
Corrie refused to look at her brother. She carefully hung her brown dress on the wooden hanger. “I did label them. There’s a CLS on each one. I etched it with a horseshoe nail. Fergus helped me.”
Tommy-Blue marched over to the bed covered with a denim-scrap quilt. A collection of similar rocks lay scattered beside it. “Each rock should be numbered, and then I need a correspondin’ journal entry with the exact geological description of the physical site. What am I supposed to do with a bunch of rocks marked with your initials?”
Dola sat at the table rubbing a cramp out of her left hand. “Tommy-Blue, quit haranguing your sister. She did the best she could.” Dola stared at her callused, bony fingers. Too young for arthritis, much too young. But, oh, how they cramp up and hurt every evening.
Here’s a farewell tribute to western historical novel author Stephen Bly by mystery author Mindy Starnes Clark: http://www.mindysbooklists.blogspot.com/2011/06/farewell-dear-friend.html
If you like this historical novel series, you will also enjoy The Homestead family life series by Stephen Bly: Strangers & Pilgrims, Courage & Compromise, Reason & Riots.
Other novels in the Skinners of Goldfield Series: Fool’s Gold and Picture Rock.
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