What is going on in Kamiah, Idaho? An arrow stuck in the motel room door! The cavalry and Indians on horseback! Did Crystal Blake and friend Megan slip back into the nineteenth century?
Maybe it's a kidnapping. Or it could be a spy network. Or an international drug ring. Nothing makes sense to fourteen-year-old Crystal Blake and her friend, Megan. They've been camping and traveling from California with Crystal's author father on a research trip and find themselves chased by the cavalry, stopped by a stagecoach, and searching for some unknown treasure. Meanwhile, Crystal takes her first official horse ride in desperation to save Megan and a new friend too. Will any of them survive to tell the tale?
Crystal’s Perilous Ride, Book 1, Crystal Blake Kids Adventure Novel Series by Stephen and Janet Bly
In this kids adventure novel fourteen-year-old Crystal Blake and her friend Megan accompany Crystal’s author father Matthew Blake to north-central Idaho for a research trip for his next book project. Then, very strange things happen.
They’re chased by a red-headed Indian on horseback with the cavalry right behind him. Then they find an arrow stuck in their motel room door and a wounded man in the parking lot! But no one believes them.
Mysteries to Solve
The two friends are determined to solve the mystery as they find themselves investigating a series of unusual and scary events in the small, country town of Kamiah, Idaho. Who are masquerading as the community’s leading citizens? And why?
And then there’s the problem of the cute new boy they just met. Who will get the priority for spending time with Shawn Sorensen?
Excerpt from kids adventure novel Crystal’s Perilous Ride:
“Megan, look!” Crystal shouted.
The girls stared. A lead horseman rode bareback wearing a feathered headdress. Behind him galloped some horses carrying men dressed like cavalry.
Crystal whooped. “This reminds me of Disneyland.”
“Or the mock hanging at Knotts Berry Farm,” Megan said.
As the riders approached, the lead rider leaped from his mare and jumped behind a barrel marked “Tire Sale” at the station. He aimed a bow and arrow at the others and soon arrows flew around.
“How do you fake arrows?” Crystal wondered aloud. She felt dazed and dizzy, like in a dream.
“Throw down your weapon and put your hands behind your head,” one of the cavalry men ordered.
An arrow whizzed a reply, barely missing the man. A gun discharged. Glass in the phone booth shattered. Both girls sprang back. Megan yelled at Crystal and then ran. Crystal’s legs felt like cement. Her mouth froze shut. She stared as Megan rushed back to her.
“Come on, Crystal, we’ve got to get out of here!” Megan grabbed her arm and pulled her across the street.
Crystal’s legs finally began to pump as they raced toward the motel.
Crystal Blake Kids Adventure Novel Series REVIEWS:
“I see great spiritual teachings and maybe even a Hanoverian in Crystal’s future … I think you two have started something great!” Mary, Fillmore
“We really enjoyed your Crystal mystery books! We hope you will continue writing them! Could you continue writing until Shawn and Crystal get married?” Jennifer, age 11, and Kristin, age 10
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