Carolina Cantrell determined that handsome men possess similar characteristics. Wide, square shoulders. Eyes that tease and tempt. A relaxed smile that reveals an honest heart. A deep voice that causes a flutter in a woman's heart. But ugly men are each one unattractive in his own repulsive way.
She knew that wasn't exactly the way Tolstoy began Anna Karenina. But it was true.
The man who hunkered across the grimy, sticky table from Carolina was uniquely ugly.
Book 1, Heroines of the Golden West Series: Sweet Carolina, a romantic western by award-winning author Stephen Bly
In this romantic western Carolina Cantrell heads west to Montana Territory to settle her late brother David’s estate. She is used to running her family’s import business and having to travel to keep it successful. So a hurried trip to the Montana Territory is no big deal. Simply sell David’s interest in his store, gather his personal belongings, and return home.
But the plans change. She struggles to do business in an untamed man’s world. It’s a challenge to her life. Her business sense. Her faith. Her dreams. And her heart. Confrontations and tensions increase as rumors of gold spread through the territory.
Carolina must even fight for the future of the town growing up around the store. But the greatest conflict is the one within her. The one fueled by an explosion of emotions. The one that leaves both her and a specific handsome and saddle-tough drifter wondering about their future together.
Excerpt from romantic western novel, Sweet Carolina:
Carolina Cantrell determined that handsome men possess similar characteristics. Wide, square shoulders. Eyes that tease and tempt. A relaxed smile that reveals an honest heart. A deep voice that causes a flutter in a woman’s heart. But ugly men are each one unattractive in his own repulsive way.
She knew that wasn’t exactly the way Tolstoy began Anna Karenina. But it was true.
The man who hunkered across the grimy, sticky table from Carolina was uniquely ugly.
Popular Christian romantic western novels on GoodReads:
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