Abused or just confused, a runaway woman needs understanding and hope. This book explains a runaway woman to those who love her and want to come alongside. It also encourages the heart of the runaway woman herself.
The Heart of a Runaway – Hope & Understanding for The Runaway Woman Who Longs to Escape by Janet Chester Bly
Abused or confused, a runaway woman needs understanding and hope. The word runaway is usually a label attached to missing teens. But today the term can be applied to a growing number of adult runaways who have emotionally withdrawn from or physically abandoned their families and friends. This book explains a runaway woman to those who love her and want to come alongside. It also encourages the heart of the runaway woman herself.
Combining research with real life stories of interviews with runaway women, The Heart of a Runaway gives relatives and friends new insight into the how and why of runaway behavior. Aids to encourage a runaway woman with the courage and perspective to find the home for which she so desperately longs.
Some of us learned it as children. Whenever problems piled up — home got tense, we failed a test we hadn’t studied for, a special boy spurned us — we threatened to run. We dreamed of the adventure, the escape route, how sorry everyone would be. … Pouting in our rooms, hiding at a friend’s house, storming through the streets. But we got that out of our system and grew up. Or did we? Running can be a habit that’s hard to break. — Janet Chester Bly
The Heart of a Runaway chapter titles include:
No Time to Pack Photo Albums or Heirlooms. See Why We Run. Celeste Doesn’t Love Here Anymore. How To Recognize a Potential Runaway. Shelter in a Time of Storm. Befriending a Runaway. Mopping Up the Mess. Dealing with Regret. The Long Road Home. Fragile Steps to Restitution. Curbing the Urge to Run. Life Choices in a Sensual, Material, Runaway World. Faithful to the End. The Other Side of Old Faithful. Do We Know Where Our Home Is?
Hope and understanding for a runaway woman who longs to escape. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter for individuals, study groups and book clubs. Discovery House Publishers.
If you’re interested in the topic of hope for the runaway woman, you’ll also appreciate the devotional insights and real life stories of Hope Lives Here and God Is Good All The Time.
Video by author Janet Chester Bly on the writing of The Heart of a Runaway:
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