WHAT SECRET LIES DOWN SQUASH BLOSSOM ROAD? Cowgirl Reba Cahill’s schedule is full. Save the family ranch. Take another road trip. Free her mom from a mental institute. Solve a murder and kidnapping. Plus, evade a stalker. Can she also squeeze in romance?
What Secret Lies Down Squash Blossom Road?
In a new novel release by Janet Chester Bly, cowgirl Reba Cahill’s schedule is full. Save the family ranch. Take another road trip. Free her mom from a mental institute and give her the family heirloom, a gold and turquoise squash blossom necklace. Solve a murder and kidnapping. Plus, evade a vicious stalker. Can she also squeeze in romance?
Reba Cahill thought she could focus on the duties of the ranch, to help out her widowed grandmother. But a physically disabled Champ Runcie returns to Road’s End in a wheelchair and seeks revenge for the accident that put him there. Meanwhile, a letter from her estranged mom forces her and Grandma Pearl back on the trail and down Squash Blossom Road: I can leave now. Come get me. Love, Mom
The Journey
When they arrive in Reno, her mother issues a demand and refuses to return to Idaho. They head west instead. In Santa Dominga, California, Reba’s friend Ginny’s marriage is on the rocks. The family business is threatened. And squabbles turn deadly. And they discover a mystery to solve down Squash Blossom Road.
Reba also digs deep to find the courage to forge a relationship with her mom and escape a crazed man’s obsession. And she faces an uncertain future even as a horse trainer offers her a new horse to replace Johnny Poe … and maybe more.
Down Squash Blossom Road is a contemporary western mystery with a touch of romance. It’s a cowgirl road adventure. Some call it CowgirlLit. Down Squash Blossom Road includes contemporary adult fiction with cozy mystery amateur sleuthing, and clean, wholesome romance. The story involves family friction of all sorts, especially the relationships between mothers and daughters. As Reba contends with her abandonment and rejection issues, any reader can relate to their own experience of loss of love, whether through death or divorce or any event that causes a sudden sense of aloneness, being left behind.
RTF DownSquashBlossomRd 5Chapters
Find Book 1, Wind in the Wires, CLICK HERE: REBA BOOK #1
Beneath a Camperdown Elm, BOOK #3, received AWSA Golden Scroll Award, 2020 Best Western Novel, First Place Winner. FIND HERE BENEATH A CAMPERDOWN ELM
Down Squash Blossom Road Book Reviews:
The distinguished honor of posting the first official book review online goes to Edward Arrington a.k.a. Grandaddy A.:
“Another entertaining read from Janet Chester Bly. If possible, this book had even more twists and turns than the first. (Reba’s trails) are more crooked than a snake’s back … The story is full of suspense, drama, mystery, mayhem, and action … you don’t know what is waiting around the next turn of a page.” Grandaddy A., 5 Stars
Read the full review here: AMAZON REVIEW BARNES&NOBLEeReview GOODREADS Review
“As much as I loved “Wind In The Wires”, I have to say I loved “Down Squash Blossom Road even more. The story line kept me sitting on the edge of my seat … the characters are believable, real and very active … The twists and turns will keep you not wanting to stop reading … can’t wait for Reba’s next adventures in book #3.” Connie Sue Larson, 5 Stars
“…a wild Western ride full of even more secrets and lies and … the same bad guy who just won’t quit … The writing is extremely crisp, and the story races along to a sweet ending … by the end of the story, you will feel like you really know these people.” The main characters are fully dimensional and unique enough that you won’t really need the guide after all.” Ruthie Jones, 5-Stars, Reading By Moonlight blog. Read her full review here 5-STAR REVIEW
Resource Articles for Down Squash Blossom Road
Check out this background article from Book 1 – Squash Blossom Necklace Solves Mystery in Wind in the Wires Novel: https://www.blybooks.com/2014/11/squash-blossom-necklace/
Cheese Stuffed Squash Blossoms recipe: RECIPE HERE
Interview with Reba Mae Cahill, heroine of The Trails of Reba Cahill Series, on Shannon Taylor Vannator blog: REBA CAHILL INTERVIEW
Janet Chester Bly interviewed by Susan Sleeman on The Suspense Zone blog. See it here: INTERVIEW WITH JANET
Another Reba Cahill novel series interview INTERVIEW
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