True Stories of God's Tender Mercies: Grace Spilling Over by Janet Chester Bly
A beautiful, carved wood sign over my front door reads, “God Is Good All The Time.” Ever wonder if God is always good and can ever be really trusted? Many of the folks in these true stories did. Here are people like you. They faced troubles. They got impatient for relief from heartbreaking problems with health, guidance and relationships. They often asked, “Why?” But through God’s delays, they eventually found all they needed in Him. These encouraging true anecdotes wrapped with prayer and Bible verses will help you enter His quiet and linger to listen.
No flinching here from looking cruelty squarely in the eye. Yet hope vibrates with life in these pages. Illuminating stories of humor and pathos provide steadfast confidence in God’s wisdom and goodness. You will see how God prepares for what lies ahead.
When you truly believe that God is good, even when life is bad, you clear distortions in your thinking. You experience deep and abiding comfort. You find spiritual victory.
61 Devotionals Featuring True Stories of God’s Grace Spilling Over
Some signs of God’s grace include …
- a song when you’re discouraged
- aid in the nick of time
- a knock at the door
- the phone finally ringing
- good smells, feeling good, looking good
We experience the stirring of God’s grace light in darkness. Through a loving hug and the healing of a hearty laugh. By a flood of giggles and good memories of someone gone from your life. Something as simple as the break of a high fever. Grace often spills over to hope, a precursor to full-blown faith. Hope says, “I trust that God may exist.” Faith says, “I know God exists.” True hope welcomes reason over presumption, convincing proof over prejudice or opinion.
When Jesus came to earth the first time, many assumed he’d rule as a warrior or king, to free people from an oppressive government. Those hopes died when he did. They didn’t understand. His mission led to freedom from sin, to guide us through life, to lead us to heaven. True hope requires truth and proof, evidence and established fact. Truth supports every good happening.
Author C. S. Lewis noted that you’ve got to know what a straight line is before you can recognize a crooked one.
True Hope
True hope is possible, reasonable, and based on reality. To know if you have it, you must be tested, be shaken in your convictions. Your hope may well be exposed to dark days to prove the intensity of its light. True hope brightens even your dying hour. Some day you will have no need for hope.
“Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?” (Romans 8:24)
But for now, hope and grace help you survive and even thrive. The people in the true stories of Grace Spilling Over share their stamina for a sometimes long wait for the glorious answer to their prayers.
Janet Chester Bly, Winchester, Idaho, 2020
NOTE from Author:
Grace Spilling Over adapted and updated from Janet Chester Bly’s out-of-print devotionals, Hope Lives Here and God Is Good All The Time.
NOTES from Readers:
“I loved it! The prayers are wonderful, and the reading key verses and thoughts hit home.”
“The stories touched my heart, and many of your thoughts were just what I needed to hear. I feel closer to God than almost in a very long time.”
“Thank you for writing your book. Your stories gave me hope. God bless you.”
Read “Frontier Faith” blog and listen to audio podcast by Stephen Bly HERE FRONTIER FAITH
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