Weekly devotional for tweens. Topical Bible readings from A-Z, anger to zeal. A good guide to set aside a regular time to spend with God.
Winners and Losers by Stephen Bly & Janet Chester Bly – tween devotional book
Winners and Losers tween devotional is packed with 52 short weekly readings. It gives you examples from the Bible and from real life that will help you grow as a person and live the way God wants you to. Plus there’s a reading schedule with a Bible passage for each day of the year – seven passages for each of the 52 readings.
So if you want God’s guidance on such areas as love and jealousy, sex and grades, shyness and 47 other topics, this book contains it all. It may be just what you need right now to make your devotional time come alive.
Excerpt from tween devotional Winners and Losers on the topic of anger:
Anger is all around us. Anger is that strong expression of displeasure that, uncontrolled, can explode into physical or verbal demonstrations of rage. Most times, explosions of anger are harmful. Here’s why.
We lash out in anger when we’re frustrated because we’ve been denied something we want. Joyce wanted the highest grade. Dave wanted that double. Or anger springs up when someone or something interferes with the controls we want on our lives. Cindy hadn’t planned on spending thirty extra minutes untangling her necklaces and chains. And her privacy had been violated too.
Anger is also a defense or excuse when we’ve failed to take an honest look at our own abilities. Dave considered himself a good hitter. But some days he just couldn’t hit as well. This may have been one of those days. Dave also may have honestly believed that he missed the tag at second base. It’s easy to get angry when we think we see, or we’re the victims of, injustice.
Video by author Janet Chester Bly on the evolution process of writing this tween devotional:
52 short weekly devotionals for tweens 11-14 yrs Examples from the Bible and real life that will help you become a winner and avoid being a loser. Includes themes like love and jealousy, shyness and grades, plus 47 other hot topics. Moody Press. Paperback $4.95
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