Archive | Podcast Blogs

Stray Sheep

Stray Sheep & Cabin Fever by Stephen Bly with Audio Podcast

STRAY SHEEP NEED A FLOCK Enrique Borba spent most of his life running flocks of sheep and plenty of stray sheep too in the mountains around Winnemucca, Nevada. He lived a lonely life, to say the least. The rolling, treeless mountains and sage scattered valleys might make a good place for sheep, stray or otherwise. […]

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Guardian Angel

A Word About Cowboys and Saints with Audio Podcast

OLD WEST COWBOY SAINTS Thousands of heads of cattle roaming through unfenced ranges in the Old West presented a powerful temptation. To some, the scene looked as profitable as bags of money lying around in the street. Besides, the actual cattle owners were often eastern bankers or foreign investors who surely wouldn’t miss a couple […]

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