Tag Archives | God’s Kingdom

Christian Praying Hands

Jesus, Lead Me In Everything with Audio Podcast

LET JESUS LEAD Many remedies cure spiritual dullness. One big way includes removing faith roadblocks. Release the Holy Spirit through confessing sin. Tell Satan where to go. Remain faithful in prayer. And then, expose your faith. That is, let your faith show, in actions for hurting people, with quick and open response to Christ’s commands, […]

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Night Cowboy Silhouette

Nighthawk Security Duty and Audio Podcast

The Lowly Nighthawk Security You know, some names just have a good ring to them. They sound impressive. Take the term nighthawk, for instance. Why, that sounds like a sleek, fast, ferocious sportscar or motorcycle or high tech surveillance equipment with infrared scope. But on the cattle drives in the Old West, the nighthawk security […]

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Man trudging to work

Doing Your Duty & Podcast

When You Have Done Everything  Since the mid-1950s, it has been unfashionable to talk about ‘doing your duty.’ I’m not quite sure why things changed. Jesus taught his disciples something very important. Duty often separates the civilized from the barbarian. It’s also part of being his disciple. Christians Have Duties In the beginning of Jesus’ […]

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Usefull & Useless Road Sign

Western Frontier Focus by Stephen Bly & podcast

Living on the Spiritual Western Frontier A lot of people in our country think the Western frontier fully settled in the nineteenth century. But that’s not true in places like the old logging town of Winchester, Idaho. Regions like that still remain vast, unpopulated, very pragmatic and independent, sometimes dangerous, and always a bit wild. […]

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