Tag Archives | heaven

Stephen Bly & Janet Chester Bly in nickel-plated western dress

Nickel Plated From Head to Toe

A Nickel Plated Style My wife, Janet, enjoys wearing western-style clothing. Oh, not the common, ordinary jeans, boots, and blouse. Rather she prefers what I call nickel-plated, western chic. Her sterling silver, feather, and turquoise earrings, for instance, harmonize with the rings on her fingers and necklaces. And they have to blend with the sequined […]

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Christmas Bethlehem Manger

The Lord’s Backyard Christmas Cowboy Poetry

Christmas Cowboy Poem “The Lord’s Backyard” The stars look closer the higher you ride, ‘specially on a clear, winter night. And the moon glow reflectin’ off new fallin’ snow casts a peaceful, other-worldly light. When the wind quits blowin’ and the temperature drops, and the twinklies blanket the sky. They’re lulled by the rhythm of the snow-crunching hooves […]

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Usefull & Useless Road Sign

Western Frontier Focus by Stephen Bly & podcast

Living on the Spiritual Western Frontier A lot of people in our country think the Western frontier fully settled in the nineteenth century. But that’s not true in places like the old logging town of Winchester, Idaho. Regions like that still remain vast, unpopulated, very pragmatic and independent, sometimes dangerous, and always a bit wild. […]

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