Image by sledgirlmt from Pixabay
The rodeo event that requires a delicate balance of timing and brute strength is steer wrestling. A cowboy dives off the back of a galloping horse and grabs the steer by the horns. Then two horseback men break out of the box to chase the critter. One of them is the contestant who hopes to throw the steer to the ground.
The other man is the hazer. He must try to get the steer to run straight and smooth so the steer wrestler can reach his goal quicker. The hazer can help produce a good run. That’s why he receives a percentage of the winnings.
The word haze isn’t limited to a rodeo event. To haze is to drive in a slow and gentle way. Cattle hazers slowly round up animals. Cowboys
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-images from Pixabay
also use that word in other circumstances. For instance, a cowboy might haze his partner in the direction of a particular café. Or he might haze a conversation where he wanted it to go.
Maybe you and I need spiritual hazing. A good hazer might move us on the trail of faith and keep us going on the right path.
In Hebrews we read: “Let us hold unswerving to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
A truly good friend gently and slowly nudges us back on the narrow course to which we’ve been called. Such a friend could also use a hazer. Just like in rodeo event steer wrestling, when we’re not competing, we can haze for the other guy or gal.
Rodeo contestants compete against the clock to see who wins the prize money. You and I strive for more than just cash. Our events should lead to holiness. The end goal–to be more like Christ. We don’t have to out-perform any other person. But we do need to keep on the straight and narrow.
Be sure to give God praise for anyone who loves you enough to haze for you. If you don’t know someone like that, make it your mighty but practical prayer request.
Stephen Bly
Circa 1995
“Got A Hazer?” audio podcast by award-winning author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series.
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