Tag Archives | spiritual mentors

Stray Sheep

Stray Sheep & Cabin Fever by Stephen Bly with Audio Podcast

STRAY SHEEP NEED A FLOCK Enrique Borba spent most of his life running flocks of sheep and plenty of stray sheep too in the mountains around Winnemucca, Nevada. He lived a lonely life, to say the least. The rolling, treeless mountains and sage scattered valleys might make a good place for sheep, stray or otherwise. […]

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Couple Hands

Standers Stay by Her Clan by Stephen Bly & Podcast

SHE’S A STANDER! All the heroines in the Stuart Brannon Series rate what I call ‘standers.’ They can be counted on to be there during the toughest of times. I got a letter from Kelly of Lyndale, Indiana. She enjoyed my Westerns. “I’m only eleven years old,” she wrote, “but I’ve enjoyed every one of […]

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